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Template:Infobox PT

Pro Tour Dominaria is the third Pro Tour of the 2017–18 season. It will take place on 1–3 June 2018 in Richmond, Virginia, United States.


Having taken a break from Standard during Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, the post-banning metagame was said to be reasonably open and balanced; Rivals of Ixalan had a minor impact, but Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, the enemy-colour checklands, and the triple-colour cycle have shown to be powerful influences on the metagame. Prior to the set release, Hazoret, The Fervent and The Scarab God were heavily dominant in the early and late game respectively, but Teferi served as a superior control finisher and Seal Away and increased reliance on Rekindling Phoenix made the hellbent restriction impactical. Like PT Ixalan, the event took place a month after release, allowing the format to stabilise.

Day one

The Dominaria Booster draft followed Luis Scott-Vargas and Jon Finkel, drafting Blue-White and Blue-Red, respectively. Finkel's draft was exceptional with colourless bombs Karn, Scion of Urza and Helm of the Host, which lead him to a 3-0 finish for the pod; Scott-Vargas stumbled in his draft, and despite a powerful pack 3, the deck only went 1-2.

The two major archetypes in the Pro tour were White-Blue control with only Teferi as a win condition, and the next evolution of the perennial Standard archetype of Vehicles, this time in Red-Black, featuring Heart of Kiran and Scrapheap Scrounger, and newcomer Goblin Chainwhirler. The Chainwhirler was the most warping of the triple-colour cycle, punishing anything reliant on one-toughness creatures, and capable of crewing Heart of Kiran. Lower ranked decks include mono-Green with Steel Leaf Champion, Black-Green Winding Constrictor, classic mono-Red, and assorted History of Benalia decks in Blue or Black. A rogue choice made by team ChannelFireball and related teammates was dubbed Blue-Green Karn using Scrap Trawler and Walking Ballista for value, but the main team had a terrible Day 1 for an overall 5 of 11 player conversion rate.

The two undefeated players were PT champion Lucas Esper Berthoud on Black-Green Constrictor and Ernest Lim on White-Blue control.

The top eight players after day one:

Rank Player Points Rank Player Points
1 Template:Flagicon BRA Lucas Esper Berthoud 24 5 Template:Flagicon USA Jon Finkel 21
2 Template:Flagicon SGP Ernest Lim 24 6 Template:Flagicon USA Colin Rountree 21
3 Template:Flagicon JPN Atsuki Kihara 21 7 Template:Flagicon IDN Christian Wijaya 21
4 Template:Flagicon ITA Andrea Mengucci 21 8 Template:Flagicon NLD Thomas Hendriks 21

Day two

Top 8

Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
1  Kazuyuki Takimura 2  
8  Marcio Carvalho 3  
  8  Marcio Carvalho 1  
  5  Goncarlo Pinto 3  
4  Ernest Lim 0
5  Goncalo Pinto 3  
    5  Goncarlo Pinto 2
  6  Wyatt Darby 3
3  Thomas Hendriks 1  
6  Wyatt Darby 3  
  6  Wyatt Darby 3
  2  Owen Turtenwald 1  
2  Owen Turtenwald 3
7  Manuel Lenz 0  

Place Player Deck Prize Pro Points Comment
1 Template:Flagicon USA Wyatt Darby Mono-Red Aggro $50,000 30
2 Template:Flagicon PRT Goncalo Pinto Black-Red Aggro $20,000 28
3 Template:Flagicon USA Owen Turtenwald Red-Black Aggro $15,000 24 Fifth Pro Tour Top 8
4 Template:Flagicon PRT Marcio Carvalho Red-Black Aggro $12,500 22 Fourth Pro Tour Top 8
5 Template:Flagicon JPN Kazuyuki Takimura Red-Black Midrange $10,000 20 Second Pro Tour Top 8
6 Template:Flagicon NL Thomas Hendriks Red-Black Aggro $9,000 18 Second Pro Tour Top 8
7 Template:Flagicon SGP Ernest Lim Esper Control $7,500 17
8 Template:Flagicon AT Manual Lenz Mono-Red Aggro $6,000 16

Worlds Leaderboard

Player of the Year

Seth Manfield hit his GP cap in the season, resulting in a small three-point gain since Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, and Reid Duke nearly matched with another two, resulting a six-point gap from 59 to 65. Luis Salvatto also closed the gap with two good GP performances, putting him at 56. All three were in close contention up to the second Standard portion, where Duke pulled ahead by two wins and Salvatoo and Manfield remained at 10-6, putting Duke cleanly in the lead. Highest ranked Top 8 competitor Owen Turtenwald reached 63 points.

Player Pro Points
Template:Flagicon USA Reid Duke 74
Template:Flagicon USA Seth Manfield 71
Template:Flagicon USA Owen Turtenwald 63
Template:Flagicon ARG Luis Salvatto 61
Template:Flagicon ITA Andrea Mengucci 55

Pro Tour Team Series

Draft Master

Watsfeldt broke his streak for draft, but with a 2-1 finish bought him breathing room over the first draft, while his immediate rivals Alexander Hayne and Craig Wescoe failed to Day 2. With his only rival for the title Andrea Mengucci losing his first draft round, Watsfeldt guaranteed his place at Worlds with a total 15-2-1 record. For the 6-0 drafters, there were Corey Burkhart, Timothy Wu.

Constructed Master

John Rolf held a tenuous one-point lead over PT Rivals of Ixalan, but stumbled over the constructed rounds with 3-2 on day 1, opening him to challengers - a 9-1 streak by Matt Severa closed the gap and won Constructed master in the final round.