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Race Cat
Birthplace Shandalar
Lifetime Mending Era

Pip is the wizard Relno's orange-furred house cat on Shandalar.


Pip was present in Relno's tower when it was raided by merfolk. Relno's attendant homunculus Zurbit was panicking when he discovered that all of the wizard's valuables had been stolen, but as the homunculus glanced at Pip, he had an idea.

Zurbit grabbed a flask; a piece of parchment; pen and ink; and a thin vial of sparkling, green fluid from within a small, wooden box. He put everything in a pack, which he slung over his shoulder, then he scooped up Pip and headed off down the long stone staircase for the docks far below the tower.

Zurbit and Pip set out onto the waves in a small rowboat, while another smaller boat was towed behind them. Pip looked over the side, a paw at the ready for the scintillating fish that darted and dashed below the surface.

They reached the reef, and Zurbit tossed the small anchor overboard, watching as the hooks caught on the coral below. He took out the pen, ink, and parchment, and hastily scrawled a message, announcing that the merfolk should give back the stolen goods or they would be sorry.

Zurbit stuffed the message into a flask and made sure that it could be read. Then he put a stopper in it, tied a bit of fishing line around it, attached a weight, and after a quick look to check for position, he tossed it overboard.

A merfolk surfaced, looked at Zurbit, and growled something. The merfolk's eyes were cold and smug as they submerged under the waves with a final hiss of contempt. Zurbit resolved to go through with his plan. He pulled on the rope that attached the two small boats and hauled the empty one alongside. Then he unstoppered the vial of sparkling green fluid and touched a few drops to Pip's nose. The cat promptly licked them up, and Zurbit poured more and more of the green vial onto Pip's tongue.

Zurbit picked then picked Pip up and set him in the smaller boat, untethered the rope that connected them, and pushed Pip's boat out over the reef. Then Zurbit began to row with all his might, while Pip slowly grew to the size of a small whale, while the tasty fins of merfolk shimmered in the waters below.

Later, when Relno returned to his tower, all the books and scrolls had been retrieved from the depths. Pip was nonchalantly licking his fur.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Zurbit's Day Adam Lee 2013-07-31 Magic 2014 Shandalar Relno, Emina, Zurbit, Pip

In-game references

Depicted in:
