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[[File:{{#setmainimage:War Priest of Thune.jpg}}|250px]]
Race Human
Birthplace An Karras, Thune, Shandalar
Lifetime Before the fall of An Karras
Spouse Unnamed wife
Children Unnamed son

Sentos was a war veteran of Thune, and later, a hermit. He hailed from the city of An Karras, located in the kingdom of Thune on the plane of Shandalar. To his people, he was known as Sentos the Righteous for his role in ending the war. He was also known as Sentos the Merciful in the east, blessed by its people for sparing their Elder Sun King's life.


Sentos was born in An Karras before its ruin, the same year a war broke out between Thune and an unnamed Eastern Kingdom.[1] Sentos grew up with this war raging around him. At the end point of the war, Sentos found himself standing at Fleet Rock, with an elderly man's life in his hands. This man was the Eastern Kingdom's Elder Sun King, called the false king by Thune. Sentos was not aware of this, however. To him, the silver-haired man looked like a vagrant from the streets, but he offered Sentos the Ring of Xathrid in exchange for sparing his life, and Sentos agreed. Despite the Easterners hailing him as Sentos the Merciful for this act, he did it not out of mercy - Sentos did it simply because the ring would make a pretty gift to his wife. After being spared, the Sun King ordered his men to lay down their weapons. With their enemies disarmed, Thune's officers saw an opportunity and used it to slaughter their enemies while they were caught defenseless. The Eastern Kingdom was ravaged, and its capital lay in ruin. This effectively made Sentos' actions directly responsible for ending the war. And while Thune celebrated its victory, hailing him as Sentos the Righteous, Sentos purchased a bottle of deadly poison for himself. Instead of giving the ring to his wife as he had intended, Sentos kept it as a symbol, unaware of its powers.

After the war, Sentos moved to a monk monastery in the border mountains to live in reflection as a hermit.[1] From the monastery, he could see the legendary domes of An Karras, his original home, but his heart knew that far to the east, another kingdom lay in ruin. Despite everyone hailing him as a hero, he felt like it was all a lie. One evening, he drank the bottle of poison he had bought, and then went to bed, hoping to never wake up. Oblivion was his final wish in life. However, instead of dying, he woke from the sounds of someone breaking into his cottage. He was surprised by a Xathrid Gorgon pressing a knife to his throat. She queried him about his past, and he lied about sparing the king out of mercy, a lie he had told many times before. The gorgon was satisfied with his story and revealed she had come to obtain the eyes of a righteous man as a price demanded by a demon. Sentos tried to stab the gorgon with a shard of glass, but instead of blood, the gorgon leaked biting vipers. They sank their teeth into his flesh, but despite their venom coursing through him, despite the stab wounds from the gorgon's dagger, and despite the poison he had drunk, he was still not dying. Puzzled by this, the gorgon then noticed the ring on his finger. The Ring of Xathrid was granting Sentos immunity from death like it had done previously to the Elder Sun King, who has been famous for his unnaturally long life. The gorgon recognized the ring as having Xathrid origins and cut it from Sentos' finger. His immunity was removed, and this finally caused the poison and venom in Sentos to set in. Knowing his death was now imminent, Sentos turned over and stared into the gorgon's eyes, petrifying him immediately and denying her the prize of his non-righteous eyes.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Xathrid Gorgon Jenna Helland 2012-07-04 Magic 2013 Shandalar Sentos, Xathrid Gorgon

In-game references

Represented in:


  1. a b Jenna Helland (July 4, 2012). "Xathrid Gorgon". Wizards of the Coast.