Borico Gavish

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Borico Gavish
Race Human
Birthplace Gavish castle, Shandalar
Lifetime Mending Era
Relatives Unnamed lord father, unnamed brother

Borico Gavish is a noble on Shandalar, son of the lord of a castle.


On an especially hot day, Borico found himself seeking the coolness of the crypt in his father's castle. He stood in awe in front of a particularly well-crafted suit of armor. There was a darkness inside the visor that Borico could not dispel with his lantern.

The court troubadour Gwaro approached Borico and shared with him a story of the armor's origins. Borico had already heard the story from his brother - it was the armor of Leore the Dragonslayer, who could walk through dragon fire. But Gwaro said the real story behind the armor was something else entirely.

It was in the Age of Strife that the land was beset by all manner of evil. Castles were built by the civilization nations to hold evil at bay, and Borico's castle was one such, built to stand against the tides of a Xathrid necromancer. Even so, the lord and lady of their castle and all their knights were slain by the necromancer on the field of battle, leaving their children, a brother and sister unnamed, to defend their home.

The two siblings made a pact to avenge their parents by traveling directly to the necromancer's lair, an old monastery repurposed to house dark magics. But when arriving there, the brother froze in fear, and only the sister dared enter. When she returned to meet her brother outside, she had become undead, pierced through with her sword. She pulled the sword from her body and killed her brother with it.

The brother then rose as a spirit, still wearing his family's armor. Now fearless, the noble ghost charged into the necromancer's castle and slew him, causing the entire undead army to collapse. The brother's spirit then flew back to his castle, went down to the crypt, and laid himself to rest, leaving only the haunted armor behind, where it was found years later.

At the end of Gwaro's story, the castle's man-at-arms Kray stepped forth and offered Borico yet another story of origin for the armor - that it was forged by demons and blessed by angels.

Whether any or all of these stories were true is unknown, but there was certainly something odd about the Haunted Plate Mail hanging in the crypt of the Gavish castle.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
The Armor in the Crypt Ari Levitch 2013-07-03 Magic 2014 Shandalar Borico Gavish, Gwaro, Leore, Kray
