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Origin Embereth, Eldraine
User Embereth Knight
Status Unknown

The Embercleave is a magical artifact sword on the plane of Eldraine.[1]


The Embercleave was once an ordinary sword of a prospective knight of Embereth. To become a knight of Embereth, an aspirant must first face the fear inspired by The Burning Yard. It is a massive boulder glowing with volcanic heat built beside the Irencrag. The aspirant knight must plunge their sword into the boulder. It is said that if they are truly courageous, they can pull their sword back out. If they are cowardly or hindered by fear, the sword remains stuck in the Irencrag.

According to Embereth knights that passed the test, the Irencrag will speak to them during the trial in a voice only they can hear, often taunting them as a test of their courage. According to legend, this taunting inspired Ianthe to be the first to impale the stone with her sword. Occasionally, when the Irencrag finds a knight particularly worthy, it will bestow their sword with a legendary name, forever imbuing it with its power. This led to the creation of the Embercleave.

Its status after the fall of the Courts during New Phyrexia's Invasion of the Multiverse is unknown.[2]


  • Embercleave is a reference to the Arthurian legend of Excalibur.
  • Embercleave was created by the design team rather than originally part of the world lore. Originally, the Irencrag was created as the red relic, but the card design team wanted to make a sword instead of a stone (both for gameplay and to hit the “legendary sword” trope). Since the Irencrag was so important to Embereth, they decided to make the sword Embercleave connected to it. That’s how they decided the Irencrag could name a sword and turn it into a legendary weapon.[3]

In-game references

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