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Vodalia is a Merfolk empire that is part of the Domains on Dominaria. It is located in the depths of the Voda Sea, of the coast of Aerona.[1] Surface-dwelling humanoids living on the island of the Voda Sea also also acknowledge the overlordship of Vodalia. Nowadays, Vodalia is the center of a global underwater empire, a federation of states and tribes knit together by trade and common heritage.


Early Vodalia

Vodalia used to be the name of the the vast, underwater country in the sea surrounding Sarpadia. It was destroyed by raiding creatures called Homarids.

New Vodalia

Vodalia was reborn after its ruler, Empress Galina, emerged thousands of years into the future and defeated the merfolk kingdom of Etlan Shiis, reforming her empire as New Vodalia.[2] The elite warriors of Galina were the Order of the Pearl Trident.[1]


Near the end of Phyrexian Invasion of Dominaria, Yawgmoth took the form of a huge deathcloud that killed everything it touched, which included most of Vodalia.[3] The planeswalker Bo Levar sacrificed his life to prevent the cloud from reaching the Eliterates, an artistic commune set up in a deep trench to escape from Vodalian society.

Mending Era

The Eliterates were instrumental in rebuilding Vodalian society.[4][5]


The Vodalian Empire still tends to be insular. There are five traditional castes.

  • Stovorod. Traditional, martial and proud aristocrats.
  • Svyash. Religious diplomats.
  • Orzvetzya. Bureaucrats and traders. Perceived to be greedy.
  • Chernoz. Lower class laborers, farmers and soldiers.
  • Volshe. Scholars and artists. Most likely to use education as an antidote to xenophobia.[6]


Vodalians worship Svyelun, the goddess of the Pearl moon.

In-game references

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