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Wizards are masters of channeling mana into powerful spells. They are ubiquitous throughout the known multiverse and are known to nearly every race. Wizards come by their powers in different ways: Some study for years on end to unlock the secrets of magic, while others are just born with the knack. Some wizards come together in huge schools or guilds to pool their resources and train neophytes. Wizards range across all five colors but are concentrated in blue, the color of knowledge. In the game, the color blue contains nearly twice as many wizards as any other two colors combined. The distant second color for the most wizards is black followed closely by white. In the Grand Creature Type Update the subtypes Mage (Musician), Sorcerer (Ovinomancer), Sorceress (Sorceress Queen) and Witch (Cuombajj Witches) were incorporated into the Wizard class.

Wizards often specialize in various mystic disciplines, including the following:

  • æthermages, are usually white and blue mages who use æther magic, which tends to be involved with unsummoning creatures.
  • Archaeomancers are wizards who are able to revive ancient words of power.
  • Auramancers, also called enchanters (not to be confused with the druids of the same name), are wizards who create long-lasting enchantments.
  • Biomancers are genetic biologists affiliated with the Simic Combine responsible for the mutants of Ravnica in their attempts to improve the life forms of that plane.
  • Chronarchs or Chronologists are mages who specialize in the manipulation of time. These specialized mages are employed by the Izzet League and at the Lighthouse of the Sea-Gate.
  • Cryomancers are mages specialized in manipulating cold and ice. They were particularly prominent during the Ice Age, with the most notable cryomancers being those of Rimewind Keep.
  • Dementia casters (also called dementia summoners) are members of the Cabal. These mages have have the unique ability to summon horrors from their personal "dementia space," a place populated with the caster's greatest fears and all beings he or she has killed.
  • Electromancers specialize in electricity spells.
  • Elementalists are wizards focusing on the art of controlling elementals or casting spells associated with them.
  • Embermages are spellcasters who pledged their allegiance to the djinn and efreet of Wildfire.
  • Hydromancers are wizards that practice the art of blue mana. Hydromancers typically use spells associated with water.
  • Illusionists specialize in deception, using their magical abilities to create false images to confuse opponents and trick them into dangerous situations. The greatest illusionists have the ability to bring their images to life, blurring the line between illusion and reality.
  • Lawmages (aka Advokists) are a specialized mage under the employ of the Azorius Senate and Orzhov Syndicate. They draw upon the binding power of the Guildpact to restrain criminals and then serve as lawyers once those criminals are taken to court. Azorius lawmages are typically the prosecution, while Orzhov lawmages are the defense.
  • Lithomancers are individuals with power over crystals, gems and stones and skilled in divination using these.
  • Necromancers are mages specializing in death magic, including the creation of undead. On Ravnica, the Golgari Swarm is known for utilizing necromancers while House Dimir is suspected of doing so by those who know of its existence.
  • Pyromancers are wizards that practice the art of red mana. Pyromancers typically use red mana to fuel their spells associated with fire, flames, or other destructive bursts. The pyromancers of Jamuraa are known as embermages.
  • Sangromancers are mages who specialize in a dark corner of black mana. With this blood magic they can drain the lifeforce of other beings, place curses on enemies, and even possess the minds of others. A notable sangromancer is Sorin Markov.
  • Taskmages are mercenary spellcasters. They do not have the devotion to studying magic that other spellcasters have, instead learning a few useful, relatively simple spells to earn money. They are typically looked down upon by more scholarly mages.
  • Zephyr mages, blue mages typically using spells associated with air and wind.
  • æthermages, are usually white and blue mages who use æther magic, which tends to be involved with unsummoning creatures.

Wizardly Organizations

Notable Wizards

Wizard tokens

1/1 Blue and black Zombie Wizard tokens are produced by Lich Lord of Unx. 1/1 Blue Merfolk Wizard tokens are produced by Benthicore, Stonybrook Schoolmaster and Summon the School.

See also


External links