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A set in Magic: The Gathering is a pool of cards released together and designed for the same play environment.

Cards in a set can be obtained either randomly through booster packs or in box sets that have a fixed selection of cards. An expansion symbol and, since 2014, a three-character abbreviation is printed on each card to identify the set it belongs to.[1] Reprintable sets are on sale for somewhere between eighteen months and two years.[2] The most recent released major set is Aetherdrift.


Expansions are sets that feature the latest Standard-legal cards and mechanics. The most recently released expansions form a large part of the game's Constructed and Limited environments. Each expansion has a theme running through the gameplay and flavor of its cards. Until 2018, expansions were organized into blocks according to their theme and release date.

Expansions are the focal point of Magic, especially its primary gameplay format, Standard. Standard annually rotates out older sets in favor of newer ones, putting less emphasis on older cards.

For over 20 years, Magic expansions were grouped into blocks, which carried an overarching theme across two or three sets. A large expansion established each block's setting and key mechanics, followed by small expansion(s) that developed on the block's themes and added complementary mechanics.[3] Under the system in place since 2018, sets are no longer designed in blocks.

Set Design ends roughly eight months before a set releases.[4][5]


The game's first expansions, from Arabian Nights (1993) to Homelands (1995), were independent releases as they came out before the introduction of blocks. Mirage block established a convention of making expansions in blocks of three, one block per year. This practice would remain the default for Magic from 1996–2014. Exceptions were Coldsnap (2006), an extra summer expansion that was retconned into the third set of the Ice Age block, and the Lorwyn–Shadowmoor block (2007–08), which consisted of two mini-blocks of two sets apiece.[6]

The mini-block structure was adopted into the "Two-Block Paradigm," which was used beginning with the Shadows block. Under this system, Wizards eliminated the core set to allow them to make four expansion sets each year. These were divided into two blocks annually: one including the autumn and winter sets, and a second including the spring and summer sets.[7]

The Two-Block paradigm proved to be unsuccessful in some cases, and the end of the block structure was announced by Mark Rosewater on June 12, 2017.[8] Beginning in 2018, three large standalone would be released each year (spring, autumn, and winter), supplemented by a revamped Core Set in the summer. This was called the Three-and-One Model.

In 2020, Wizards of the Coast decided to stop using the term "Standard-legal set" for expansions as it implied a little too strongly that the new sets were just about Standard. Instead, they started to use the term premier set.[9][10]

The number of rares and mythics in Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms was increased to sixty and twenty respectively. From 2020 to 2023, the baseline Magic set size is 101 commons, 80 uncommons, 60 rares, and 20 mythic rares.[11]

In 2021 core sets were retired again. Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms started in design as a core set but was later transformed into a more complicated expansion set. Wizards announced there would be four standalone premier expansion sets each year.

2024 saw the introduction of Play Boosters and the reduction from 10 commons a Draft pack to 6. With this, Premier Sets changed to 81 commons and 100 uncommons.[12][13]

In 2025, the three supplemental Universes Beyond sets that were released in that year were made Standard-legal expansions, increasing the Standard releases to six per year. In addition, the Magic: The Gathering Foundations product was designed to be an evergreen legal set, refreshed every five years. With that, the Standard format would start at thirteen sets and go to eighteen sets.

Large and small expansions

A large expansion is one with more than 240 cards, while a small expansion has 200 or fewer. The typical block structure began with a large set, followed by one or more small sets in a supporting role. However, the second or third set can also grow into a large set as needed by R&D.[note 1][6] Historically (under the three-set block formula) this was due to a need for the third set to expand on the block's existing themes while also having its unique flavor and mechanics.[3][7]

The exact number of cards in a set has varied widely over the years, especially those from before the block structure was well defined. Mirage block through Onslaught block established a convention of 350 cards in the first set, and 143 cards in each of the second and third sets. This changed with Mirrodin block, which reduced the size difference by shifting some uncommons and rares from the large expansion into the small expansions.[14] The new custom (306 large, 165 small) continued until Coldsnap.

Time Spiral block had larger expansions to accommodate timeshifted cards. The standard card pool consisting of the Time Spiral, Lorwyn, and Shadowmoor blocks plus the core set was the largest in Magic history. Following this, feedback regarding the number of cards printed annually caused Wizards to cut back the size of sets.[15][16] Alara block saw the introduction of Mythic rares and a size reduction for sets. Commons, uncommons, and rares in large sets were reduced by 20 each, and 15 mythics were added. Fewer uncommons and rares were printed in small sets as well. Given the fast turnaround, it was clear Wizards was already planning on decreasing set sizes before feedback reinforced this.

Innistrad introduced double-faced cards, and with it a separate sheet that increased set size any time it returned. Magic 2015 restored the 20 uncommons cut during Alara block to improve limited format play.

Beginning in the fall of 2015, there were two large expansions released each year, one in the fall and one in the spring (the Two-Block Paradigm).[7] The Standard play format rotated with the release of each large expansion, rather than just once a year as had been the case since 1997; however, only one mid-season rotation went forward before negative feedback convinced Wizards to return to the once-a-year cycle. In this new structure, core sets were eliminated. After the introduction of the Two-Block Paradigm, the second set of a two-expansion block would be usually small (but not always). To facilitate the new draft structure (2 boosters of the second set / 1 of the first set) the average size for a small expansion went up to around 184 cards, adding ten commons, seven rares, and some mythics.[17][18][19]

Small expansions were abandoned with the introduction of the Three-and-One Model.[8] Rivals of Ixalan was the last small expansion. When Core Set 2019 (two sets after Rivals) was released, Standard had over 2,000 legal cards, on par with the Time Spiral-Shadowmoor size, and each eight-set Standard format since has been larger than that.

Gimmick sets

Some early sets featured gimmicks to make them stand out. Nowadays, R&D has cooled on gimmick sets as they are significantly harder to make and don’t result in additional sales.[20] Examples are:

Standalone sets

A "standalone set" is a set that is designed to be played by itself. Ice Age, Mirage and Tempest were all marketed as such.[21] The concept became outdated when the block structure and limited draft became the standard. Standalone sets returned when the block model was discontinued in favor of the Three-and-One Model, starting with Dominaria.

Event sets

An “event set” is structurally built to capture an event in the Magic storyline. It also can refer to the set itself as a culmination of a story arc.[22] Event sets include:

Faction sets, nostalgia sets and backdrop sets

Within R&D, sets can be characterized as faction sets (e.g. Ravnica: City of Guilds), as nostalgia sets (e.g. Dominaria) or as backdrop sets.[23] The latter are characterized as set on a world we’ve been to before, but with a different mechanical focus.[24]

Showcase sets

Showcase sets were introduced in 2024 with Outlaws of Thunder Junction. A showcase set has a theme and uses the Omenpaths to get creatures (and possibly objects) from across the Multiverse that fit into that theme. R&D plans to try and make one set each year that plays into this new space.[25]

Travelogue sets

A different kind of set is made possible by the omenpaths, the "Travelogue set", where the set takes place across multiple planes. An example is Aetherdrift.[26][27]

Core sets

Core sets used to form the base set of cards for tournament play and rotations.[28] After the Limited Edition, all core sets through Tenth Edition consisted solely of reprinted cards. Beginning with Magic 2010, they featured both new cards and reprints. Core sets were discontinued in 2015 to allow room for four expansions annually under the Two-Block Paradigm.[29], then returned for three years with the introduction of the Three-and-One Model,[8] before being discontinued again in 2021.

In 2024, Magic: The Gathering Foundations was yet another take on the concept of a core set.

Rating system

Magazine ad for the new rating system

A rating system for complexity in the line of sets was introduced with Fifth Edition, Tempest, and Portal Second Age, (1997–1998). These ratings stopped appearing on packaging with the release of Lorwyn (2007).

Starter-level sets were sets designed to have the lowest possible level of Magic complexity. They were meant to introduce and teach the game to prospective and newer players. They were discontinued as they did not fulfill this purpose, but similar products have been printed in the form of 2-Player Starter Sets and Starter Kits.
Advanced-level sets were the core sets of the game. They had a medium level of complexity and tended to include what are today known as evergreen mechanics.
Expert-level sets were sets that were generally of the highest level of Magic thematic and mechanical complexity. Expert-level sets were all expansion sets.

Tentpole sets

In 2022, Wizards of the Coast introduced the marketing term "tentpole set" for the six major releases for each year (four premier sets, and two special supplemental sets).[30][10] A tentpole set has to have randomized boosters for Limited as a main component, but also has accompanying products, like Commander decks, associated with it.[31][32]

In 2025, the six tentpole sets (three for the Magic IP and three for Universes Beyond) all became Standard legal (and thus all premier sets)

Supplemental sets

Supplemental sets are products not intended for Standard environments. They usually introduce new casual game variants, sometimes with oversized cards, or with mechanics usable only in limited environments. Some are sold in box sets, others in booster packs. They often take the "(Draft) Innovation Product" slot in Wizards of the Coast's annual release schedule.[33] One of the current design constraints for a innovation product is that it can be sold in a booster pack.[34]

Other examples of supplemental (non-premier) products:

  • The Universes Beyond-series.[35][36] These products have no structural consistency, ranging from Secret Lair drops to Commander decks to Horizon-style sets.


Un-sets (Unglued, Unhinged, Unstable, Unsanctioned and Unfinity) are self-parody sets sold in booster packs. Championed by Mark Rosewater, they are themed around mechanics that would be impossible to print in a normal expansion.[37][38] Although these sets are targeted to the casual crowd, they also may contain cards specifically designed with Cube and Commander in mind, for playgroups who are okay with using them. Before the release of Unfinity, cards in un-sets were printed with silver-borders to denote they were not tournament-legal. Beginning with Unfinity, non-tournament-legal cards are denoted by acorn stamps instead of silver borders.

Annex sets

"Annex sets" are a special line of products started with Amonkhet block. They were designed as "complete experiences in a box," and released after the set they are associated with.[39] Originally, R&D developed annex products when they made sense instead of forcing them for every set.[40] Starting with Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths, most annex sets became Set Commander decks. The concept returned with Murders at Karlov Manor.

Main set Annex
Amonkhet Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
Ixalan Explorers of Ixalan
Dominaria Heroes of Dominaria
Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits
Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kits
War of the Spark Ravnica Inquisition
Throne of Eldraine Brawl decks
Murders at Karlov Manor Ravnica: Clue Edition

Portal and Starter

Portal, Portal Second Age, and Starter are starter-level products designed to offer a less complicated form of Magic for newer players. Portal Three Kingdoms is a starter-level set developed for the Asian market, based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Commemorative sets

"Commemorative sets" are limited-run, non-tournament-legal sets that honor or celebrate certain sets or events.

Compilation sets

"Compilation sets" are reprint sets distributed in booster packs. Compilation sets are also considered to be supplemental sets.[41]

Micro sets

March of the Machine: The Aftermath was the first set marketed as a "micro set".[42] It was sold in 5-card Epilogue Boosters that continued the story in between sets. Each booster guaranteed a foil and a Showcase card.[43]

Because of the negative reception of March of the Machine: The Aftermath, future micro-set releases are canceled.[44][45] The planned micro set The Big Score was incorporated in The List for Outlaws of Thunder Junction.[46][47]

Cards that aren't in sets

Some cards are released in singles or smaller groups and do not form official sets. Often, these form a continuing series that is grouped and given an official code, like regular sets, for card organization. Occasionally these cards are printed in extremely small numbers, such as celebration cards.

  • The Secret Lair series is organized into "drops", very small non-random groups of cards purchased together
  • Promotional cards distributed, usually as singles, with certain products and events, which also include all kinds of one-time cards like holiday cards and special reprints like Judge Gifts

List of Magic expansions and sets

The following is a chronological list of all Magic: The Gathering expansions and sets released thus far. Old two-letter set codes used prior to the release of Torment are listed in parenthesis after the current code.

Released Set Symbol Code Type Notes
1993-08 Alpha (Limited Edition) LEA (1E) Core set Core set #1 (1st printing)
1993-10 Beta (Limited Edition) LEB (2E) Core set Core set #1 (2nd printing)
1993-12 Unlimited Edition 2ED (2U) Core set Core set #2
1993-12 Arabian Nights ARN (AN) Expansion set 1st expansion
1994-03 Antiquities ATQ (AQ) Expansion set 2nd expansion
1994-04 Revised Edition 3ED (3E) Core set Core set #3
1994-06 Legends LEG (LE) Expansion set 3rd expansion
1994-08 The Dark DRK (DK) Expansion set 4th expansion
1994-11 Fallen Empires FEM (FE) Expansion set 5th expansion
1995-05 Fourth Edition 4ED (4E) Core set Core set #4
1995-06 Ice Age ICE (IA) Expansion set 6th expansion, 1st standalone set
1995-07 Chronicles CHR (CH) Compilation set Expansion symbol from original printing
1995-08 Renaissance Compilation set
1995-10 Homelands HML (HM) Expansion set 7th expansion
1996-06 Alliances ALL (AL) Expansion set 8th expansion
1996-10 Mirage MIR (MI) Expansion set 9th expansion, 2nd standalone set
1997-02 Visions VIS (VI) Expansion set 10th expansion
1997-03 Fifth Edition 5ED (5E) Core set Core set #5
1997-05 Portal POR (PO) Starter set Starter set #1
1997-06 Weatherlight WTH (WL) Expansion set 11th expansion
1997-10 Tempest TMP (TE) Expansion set 12th expansion, 3rd standalone set
1998-02 Stronghold STH (ST) Expansion set 13th expansion
1998-06 Exodus EXO (EX) Expansion set 14th expansion
1998-06 Portal Second Age P02 (P2) Starter set Starter set #2
1998-08 Unglued UGL (UG) Un-set Un-set #1
1998-10 Urza's Saga USG (UZ) Expansion set 15th expansion
1998-11 Anthologies ATH Box set First box set
1999-02 Urza's Legacy ULG (UL) Expansion set 16th expansion
1999-04 Sixth Edition 6ED (6E) Core set Core set #6
1999-05 Portal Three Kingdoms PTK (PK) Starter set Starter set #3
1999-06 Urza's Destiny UDS (UD) Expansion set 17th expansion
1999-08 Starter 1999 S99 (P3) Starter set Starter set #4
1999-09 Mercadian Masques MMQ (MM) Expansion set 18th expansion
1999-11 Battle Royale BRB Box set
2000-02 Nemesis NEM (NE) Expansion set 19th expansion
2000-04 Starter 2000 S00 Starter set Starter set #5
2000-06 Prophecy PCY (PR) Expansion set 20th expansion
2000-09 Invasion INV (IN) Expansion set 21st expansion
2000-10 Beatdown BTD Box set
2001-01 Planeshift PLS (PS) Expansion set 22nd expansion
2001-04 Seventh Edition 7ED (7E) Core set Core set #7
2001-05 Apocalypse APC (AP) Expansion set 23rd expansion
2001-10 Odyssey ODY (OD) Expansion set 24th expansion
2001-12 Deckmasters 2001 DKM Box set
2002-02 Torment TOR Expansion set 25th expansion
2002-05 Judgment JUD Expansion set 26th expansion
2002-10 Onslaught ONS Expansion set 27th expansion
2003-01 Legions LGN Expansion set 28th expansion
2003-05 Scourge SCG Expansion set 29th expansion
2003-07 Eighth Edition 8ED Core set Core set #8
2003-10 Mirrodin MRD Expansion set 30th expansion
2004-02 Darksteel DST Expansion set 31st expansion
2004-06 Fifth Dawn 5DN Expansion set 32nd expansion
2004-10 Champions of Kamigawa CHK Expansion set 33rd expansion
2004-11 Unhinged UNH Un-set Un-set #2
2005-02 Betrayers of Kamigawa BOK Expansion set 34th expansion
2005-06 Saviors of Kamigawa SOK Expansion set 35th expansion
2005-07 Ninth Edition 9ED Core set Core set #9
2005-08 Salvat 2005 Compilation set Magic Encyclopedia set #1
2005-10 Ravnica: City of Guilds RAV Expansion set 36th expansion
2006-02 Guildpact GPT Expansion set 37th expansion
2006-05 Dissension DIS Expansion set 38th expansion
2006-07 Coldsnap CSP Expansion set 39th expansion
2006-10 Time Spiral TSP Expansion set 40th expansion
2006-10 Time Spiral Timeshifted TSP Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2007-02 Planar Chaos PLC Expansion set 41st expansion
2007-05 Future Sight FUT Expansion set 42nd expansion
2007-07 Tenth Edition 10E Core set Core set #10
2007-09 Masters Edition MED Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #1
2007-10 Lorwyn LRW Expansion set 43rd expansion
2007-11 Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins EVG Box set Duel Decks set #1
2008-02 Morningtide MOR Expansion set 44th expansion
2008-05 Shadowmoor SHM Expansion set 45th expansion
2008-06 Eventide EVE Expansion set 46th expansion
2008-08 From the Vault: Dragons DRB Box set From the Vault set #1
2008-09 Masters Edition II ME2 Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #2
2008-10 Shards of Alara ALA Expansion set 47th expansion
2008-11 Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra DD2 Box set Duel Decks set #2
2009-02 Conflux CON Expansion set 48th expansion
2009-04 Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic DDC Box set Duel Decks set #3
2009-04 Alara Reborn ARB Expansion set 49th expansion
2009-07 Magic 2010 M10 Core set Core set #11
2009-08 Commander Theme Decks TD0 Box set Magic Online only
2009-08 From the Vault: Exiled V09 Box set From the Vault set #2
2009-09 Planechase HOP Supplemental set Planechase set #1
2009-09 Masters Edition III ME3 Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #3
2009-10 Zendikar ZEN Expansion set 50th expansion
2009-10 Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana DDD Box set Duel Decks set #4
2009-11 Premium Deck Series: Slivers H09 Box set Premium Deck Series set #1
2010-02 Worldwake WWK Expansion set 51st expansion
2010-03 Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. The Coalition DDE Box set Duel Decks set #5
2010-04 Rise of the Eldrazi ROE Expansion set 52nd expansion
2010-05 Deck Builder's Toolkit Box set Deck Builder's Toolkit #1
2010-06 Duels of the Planeswalkers DPA Box set Inspired by the digital game
2010-06 Archenemy ARC Supplemental set Archenemy set #1
2010-07 Magic 2011 M11 Core set Core set #12
2010-08 From the Vault: Relics V10 Box set From the Vault set #3
2010-09 Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret DDF Box set Duel Decks set #6
2010-10 Scars of Mirrodin SOM Expansion set 53rd expansion
2010-11 Magic Online Deck Series TD0 Box set Magic Online only
2010-11 Premium Deck Series: Fire & Lightning PD2 Box set Premium Deck Series set #2
2010-11 Momir Basic Event Deck Box set Magic Online only
2011-01 Salvat 2011 Compilation set Magic Encyclopedia set #2
2011-01 Masters Edition IV ME4 Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #4
2011-02 Mirrodin Besieged MBS Expansion set 54th expansion
2011-03 Deck Builder's Toolkit 2011 Box set Deck Builder's Toolkit #2.
Last self-contained toolkit.
2011-04 Duel Decks: Knights vs. Dragons DDG Box set Duel Decks set #7
2011-05 New Phyrexia NPH Expansion set 55th expansion
2011-06 Commander CMD Box set Commander set #1
2011-07 Magic 2012 M12 Core set Core set #13
2011-08 From the Vault: Legends V11 Box set From the Vault set #4
2011-09 Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas DDH Box set Duel Decks set #8
2011-09 Innistrad ISD Expansion set 56th expansion
2011-11 Premium Deck Series: Graveborn PD3 Box set Premium Deck Series set #3
2012-02 Dark Ascension DKA Expansion set 57th expansion
2012-03 Duel Decks: Venser vs. Koth DDI Box set Duel Decks set #9
2012-05 Avacyn Restored AVR Expansion set 58th expansion
2012-05 Planechase 2012 PC2 Supplemental set Planechase set #2
2012-07 Magic 2013 M13 Core set Core set #14
2012-08 From the Vault: Realms V12 Box set From the Vault set #5
2012-09 Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari DDJ Box set Duel Decks set #10
2012-10 Return to Ravnica RTR Expansion set 59th expansion
2012-11 Commander's Arsenal CM1 Box set Commander set #2
2013-01 Duel Decks: Mirrodin Pure vs. New Phyrexia TD2 Box set Magic Online Duel Deck
2013-02 Gatecrash GTC Expansion set 60th expansion
2013-03 Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt DDK Box set Duel Decks set #11
2013-05 Dragon's Maze DGM Expansion set 61st expansion
2013-06 Modern Masters MMA Compilation set Masters set #1
2013-07 Magic 2014 M14 Core set Core set #15
2013-08 From the Vault: Twenty V13 Box set From the Vault set #6
2013-09 Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters DDL Box set Duel Decks set #12
2013-09 Theros THS Expansion set 62nd expansion
2013-11 Commander 2013 C13 Box set Commander set #3
2014-02 Born of the Gods BNG Expansion set 63rd expansion
2014-03 Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska DDM Box set Duel Decks set #13
2014-05 Journey into Nyx JOU Expansion set 64th expansion
2014-05 Modern Event Deck MD1 Box set
2014-06 Conspiracy CNS Supplemental set Conspiracy set #1
2014-06 Vintage Masters VMA Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #5
2014-07 Magic 2015 M15 Core set Core set #16
2014-08 From the Vault: Annihilation V14 Box set From the Vault set #7
2014-10 Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning DDN Box set Duel Decks set #14
2014-10 Khans of Tarkir KTK Expansion set 65th expansion, MTG Arena set #6
2014-11 Commander 2014 C14 Box set Commander set #4
2014-12 Duel Decks Anthology DD3 Box set Duel Decks reprint set
2015-01 Fate Reforged FRF Expansion set 66th expansion
2015-02 Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora DDO Box set Duel Decks set #15
2015-03 Dragons of Tarkir DTK Expansion set 67th expansion
2015-05 Tempest Remastered TPR Compilation set Magic Online Masters set #6
2015-05 Modern Masters 2015 MM2 Compilation set Masters set #2
2015-07 Magic Origins ORI Core set Core set #17
2015-08 From the Vault: Angels V15 Box set From the Vault set #8
2015-08 Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi DDP Box set Duel Decks set #16
2015-10 Battle for Zendikar BFZ Expansion set 68th expansion
Zendikar Expeditions EXP Compilation set Masterpiece Series set #1 (Battle for Zendikar block)
2015-11 Commander 2015 C15 Box set Commander set #5
2015-11 Legendary Cube PZ1 Compilation set Magic Online only
2016-01 Oath of the Gatewatch OGW Expansion set 69th expansion
2016-02 Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed DDQ Box set Duel Decks set #17
2016-04 Welcome Deck 2016 W16 Compilation set Welcome Deck set #1
2016-04 Shadows over Innistrad SOI Expansion set 70th expansion
2016-06 Eternal Masters EMA Compilation set Masters set #3
2016-07 Eldritch Moon EMN Expansion set 71st expansion
2016-08 From the Vault: Lore V16 Box set From the Vault set #9
2016-08 Conspiracy: Take the Crown CN2 Supplemental set Conspiracy set #2
2016-09 Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis DDR Box set Duel Decks set #18
2016-09 Kaladesh KLD Expansion set 72nd expansion
Kaladesh Inventions MPS Compilation set Masterpiece Series set #2 (Kaladesh block)
2016-10 Treasure Chests PZ2 Compilation set Magic Online only
2016-11 Commander 2016 C16 Box set Commander set #6
2016-11 You Make the Cube Compilation set Magic Online only
2016-11 Planechase Anthology PCA Box set Planechase set #3
2017-01 Aether Revolt AER Expansion set 73rd expansion
2017-03 Modern Masters 2017 MM3 Compilation set Masters set #4
2017-03 Duel Decks: Mind vs. Might DDS Box set Duel Decks set #19
2017-04 Welcome Deck 2017 W17 Compilation set Welcome Deck set #2
2017-04 Amonkhet AKH Expansion set 74th expansion
Amonkhet Invocations MP2 Compilation set Masterpiece Series set #3 (Amonkhet block)
2017-06 Commander Anthology CMA Box set Commander set #7
2017-06 Archenemy: Nicol Bolas E01 Supplemental set Archenemy set #2, Annex set #1
2017-07 Hour of Devastation HOU Expansion set 75th expansion
2017-08 Commander 2017 C17 Box set Commander set #8
2017-09 Ixalan XLN Expansion set 76th expansion
2017-11 Duel Decks: Merfolk vs. Goblins DDT Box set Duel Decks set #20
2017-11 Iconic Masters IMA Compilation set Masters set #5
2017-11 Explorers of Ixalan E02 Supplemental set Annex set #2
2017-11 From the Vault: Transform V17 Box set From the Vault set #10
2017-12 Unstable UST Un-set Un-set #3
2018-01 Rivals of Ixalan RIX Expansion set 77th expansion
2018-03 Masters 25 A25 Compilation set Masters set #6
2018-04 Duel Decks: Elves vs. Inventors DDU Box set Duel Decks set #21
2018-04 Challenger Decks Q01 Box set Challenger Decks set #1
2018-04 Dominaria DOM Expansion set 78th expansion
2018-06 Commander Anthology Volume II CM2 Box set Commander set #9
2018-06 Battlebond BBD Supplemental set
2018-06 Signature Spellbook: Jace SS1 Box set Signature Spellbook set #1
2018-06 Global Series: Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling GS1 Box set Global Series set #1
2018-07 Core Set 2019 M19 Core set Core set #18
2018-08 Commander 2018 C18 Box set Commander set #10
2018-10 Guilds of Ravnica Mythic Edition MED Special edition
2018-10 Guilds of Ravnica GRN Expansion set 79th expansion
2018-10 Spellslinger Starter Kit SK1 Box set Starter set #6
2018-11 Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kits GK1 Box set Annex set #4, 1st set of Guild Kits
2018-11 Game Night GNT Box set Game Night set #1
2018-12 Ultimate Masters UMA Compilation set Masters set #7
2018-10 Ravnica Allegiance Mythic Edition MED Special edition
2019-01 Ravnica Allegiance RNA Expansion set 80th expansion
2019-02 Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kits GK2 Box set Annex set #5, 2nd set of Guild Kits
2019-04 Challenger Decks 2019 Q02 Box set Challenger Decks set #2
2019-05 War of the Spark Mythic Edition MED Special edition
2019-05 War of the Spark WAR Expansion set 81st expansion
2019-06 Modern Horizons MH1 Supplemental set Straight-to-Modern set #1
2019-06 Signature Spellbook: Gideon SS2 Box set Signature Spellbook set #2
2019-07 Core Set 2020 M20 Core set Core set #19
2019-08 Commander 2019 C19 Box set Commander set #11
2019-10 Throne of Eldraine ELD Expansion set 82nd expansion
2019-10 Ponies: The Galloping PTG Box set Charity set
2019-11 Mystery Booster MB1 Supplemental set Chaos Draft set #1 (Convention Edition)
2019-11 Challenger Decks 2019 Japan Box set Challenger Decks set #2b
2019-11 Game Night 2019 GN2 Box set Game Night set #2
2019-12 Secret Lair Drop Series (December 2019) SLD Box set Secret Lair release #1
2020-01 Theros Beyond Death THB Expansion set 83rd expansion
2020-01 Secret Lair Drop Series: Year of the Rat SLD Box set Secret Lair release #2
2020-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Theros Stargazing SLD Box set Secret Lair release #3
2020-02 Unsanctioned UND Box set Un-set #4
2020-03 Secret Lair Drop Series: International Women's Day SLD Box set Secret Lair release #4
2020-03 Secret Lair Drop Series: Thalia - Beyond the Helvault SLD Box set Secret Lair release #5
2020-03 Mystery Booster Retail Edition MB1 Supplemental set Chaos Draft set #1 (Retail Edition)
2020-03 Challenger Decks 2020 Q03 Box set Challenger Decks set #3
2020-04 Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths IKO Expansion set 84th expansion
2020-04 Commander 2020 C20 Box set Commander set #12
2020-05 Secret Lair Drop Series: The Godzilla Lands SLD Box set Secret Lair release #7
2020-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: Summer Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #8
2020-06 Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition SLU Box set Secret Lair release #9
2020-06 Signature Spellbook: Chandra SS3 Box set Signature Spellbook set #3
2020-07 Core Set 2021 M21 Core set Core set #20
2020-07 Jumpstart JMP Supplemental set Jumpstart set #1
2020-08 Double Masters 2XM Compilation set Masters set #8
2020-08 Amonkhet Remastered AKR Compilation set MTG Arena set #1
2020-08 Arena Base Set ANB Compilation set MTG Arena set #2
2020-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: Prime Slime SLD Box set Secret Lair release #10
2020-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: Every Dog Has Its Day SLD Box set Secret Lair release #11
2020-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: Happy Yargle Day! SLD Box set Secret Lair release #12
2020-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: April Fools SLD Box set Secret Lair release #13
2020-09 Zendikar Rising ZNR Expansion set 85th expansion
2020-09 Zendikar Rising Expeditions ZNE Compilation set Masterpiece Series set #4
2020-09 Zendikar Rising Commander Decks ZNC Box set Commander Decks set #1
2020-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: Showcase: Zendikar Revisited SLD Box set Secret Lair release #14
2020-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: The Walking Dead SLD Box set Secret Lair release #15, 1st Universes Beyond set #1
2020-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Extra Life 2020 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #16
2020-11 Kaladesh Remastered KLR Compilation set MTG Arena set #3
2020-11 Commander Legends CMR Supplemental set Commander Legends set #1
2020-11 Commander Legends Commander Decks CMR Box set Commander Decks set #2
2020-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Secretversary SLD Box set Secret Lair release #17
2020-12 Commander Collection: Green CC1 Box set Commander Collection #1
2021-02 Kaldheim KHM Expansion set 86th expansion
2021-02 Kaldheim Commander Decks KHC Box set Commander Decks set #3
2021-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Smitten SLD Box set Secret Lair release #18
2021-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Black is Magic SLD Box set Secret Lair release #19
2021-03 Time Spiral Remastered TSR Compilation set Tabletop Remastered set #1
2021-03 Time Spiral Remastered Timeshifted TSR Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2021-03 Challenger Decks 2021 Q05 Box set Challenger Decks set #4
2021-04 Strixhaven: School of Mages STX Expansion set 87th expansion
2021-04 Mystical Archive STA Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2021-04 Commander 2021 C21 Box set Commander set #13
2021-04 Secret Lair Drop Series: Dr. Lair's Secretorium Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #20
2021-05 Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition 2 SLU Box set Secret Lair release #21
2021-06 Modern Horizons II MH2 Supplemental set Straight-to-Modern set #2
2021-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: All-Natural, Totally Refreshing Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #22
2021-07 Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms AFR Expansion set 88th expansion. Replaced Core set 2022.
2021-07 Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Decks AFC Box set Commander Decks set #4
2021-08 2021 Arena Starter Kit Box set Starter set #7
2021-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: Out of Time Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #23
2021-08 Jumpstart: Historic Horizons J21 Digital set MTG Arena set #4, Designed-for-digital set#1, Jumpstart set #2
2021-09 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt MID Expansion set 89th expansion
2021-09 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander Decks MIC Box set Commander Decks set #5
2021-10 Pioneer Challenger Decks 2021 Box set Challenger Decks set #5
2021-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: October Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #24
2021-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: Purrfection SLD Box set Secret Lair release #25
2021-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Extra Life 2021 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #26
2021-11 Innistrad: Crimson Vow VOW Expansion set 90th expansion
2021-11 Innistrad: Crimson Vow Commander Decks VOC Box set Commander Decks set #6
2021-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: MSCHF SLD Box set Secret Lair release #27
2021-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Secretversary 2021 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #28, Secret Lair Commander deck #1
2021-12 Alchemy: Innistrad Y22 Digital set Alchemy release #1
2022-01 Secret Lair Drop Series: The Astrology Lands SLD Box set Secret Lair release #29
2022-01 Commander Collection: Black CC2 Box set Commander Collection #2
2022-01 Innistrad: Double Feature DBL Compilation set Tabletop Remastered set #2
2022-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: February Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #30
2022-02 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty NEO Expansion set 91st expansion
2022-02 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander Decks NEC Box set Commander Decks set #7
2022-03 Alchemy: Kamigawa Y22 Digital set Alchemy release #2
2022-04 Challenger Decks 2022 Box set Challenger Decks set #6
2022-04 Secret Lair Drop Series: April Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #31
2022-05 Streets of New Capenna SNC Expansion set 92nd expansion
2022-05 Streets of New Capenna Commander Decks NCC Box set Commander Decks set #8
2022-05 Secret Lair Drop Series: Pride Across the Multiverse SLD Box set Secret Lair release #32
2022-06 Alchemy: New Capenna Y22 Digital set Alchemy release #3
2022-06 2022 Starter Kit Box set Starter set #8
2022-06 Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate CLB Supplemental set Commander Legends set #2
2022-07 Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate Commander Decks CLB Box set Commander Decks set #9
2022-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: Here Be Dragons SLD Box set Secret Lair release #33
2022-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: June Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #34
2022-07 Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate HBG Digital set Alchemy release #4
2022-07 Double Masters 2022 2X2 Compilation set Masters set #9
2022-07 Secret Lair Drop Series: Fortnite SLD Box set Secret Lair release #35
2022-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: Li'l Giri Saves the Day SLD Box set Secret Lair release #36
2022-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: August Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #37
2022-09 Dominaria United DMU Expansion set 93rd expansion
2022-09 Dominaria United Commander Decks DMC Box set Commander Decks set #10
2022-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: Li’l’ler Walkers SLD Box set Secret Lair release #38
2022-10 Alchemy: Dominaria Y23 Digital set Alchemy release #5
2022-10 Unfinity UNF Un-set Un-set #5
2022-10 Warhammer 40,000 Commander Decks 40K Box set Universes Beyond set #2, Commander Decks set #11
2022-10 Game Night Free-for-All GN3 Box set Game Night set #3
2022-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: October Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #39
2022-11 Secret Lair 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit SLC Box set Secret Lair kit #1
2022-11 Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 Q08 Box set Challenger Decks set #7
2022-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Extra Life 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #40
2022-11 The Brothers' War BRO Expansion set 94th expansion
2022-11 Retro Frame Artifacts BRR Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2022-11 The Brothers' War Commander Decks BRC Box set Commander Decks set #12
2022-11 Transformers BOT Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #3, Booster insert set #1
2022-12 Jumpstart 2022 J22 Supplemental set Jumpstart set #3
2022-12 Starter Commander Decks SCD Box set Commander Decks set #13
2022-12 Secret Lair Drop Series: December Superdrop 2022 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #41
2022-12 Alchemy: The Brothers' War Y23 Digital set Alchemy release #6
2023-01 Dominaria Remastered DMR Compilation set Tabletop Remastered set #3
2023-01 Secret Lair Drop Series: Winter Superdrop 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #42
2023-02 Phyrexia: All Will Be One ONE Expansion set 95th expansion
2023-02 Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Decks ONC Box set Commander Decks set #14
2023-02 Alchemy: Phyrexia Y23 Digital set Alchemy release #7
2023-03 Secret Lair Drop Series: Legendary Flyers (Not That Kind) SLD Box set Secret Lair release #43
2023-03 Secret Lair: More Borderless Planeswalkers SLD Box set Secret Lair release #44
2023-03 Shadows over Innistrad Remastered SIR Compilation set MTG Arena set #5
2023-03 Shadows of the Past SIS Compilation set Digital bonus sheet set
2023-03 Secret Lair Drop Series: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves SLD Box set Secret Lair release #44
2023-04 March of the Machine MOM Expansion set 96th expansion
2023-04 Multiverse Legends MUL Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2023-04 March of the Machine/Commander decks MOC Box set Commander Decks set #15, Planechase set #3
2023-04 Secret Lair Drop Series: Spring Superdrop 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #45
2023-05 Secret Lair: From Cute to Brute SLD Box set Secret Lair Commander deck #2
2023-05 March of the Machine: The Aftermath MAT Supplemental set 1st micro set
2023-06 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth LTR Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #4, Straight-to-Modern set #3
2023-06 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth Commander Decks LTC Box set Commander Decks set #16
2023-06 The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Starter Kit Box set Starter set #9
2023-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: Summer Superdrop 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #46
2023-08 Commander Masters CMM Compilation set Masters set #10
2023-08 Commander Masters/Commander decks CMM Box set Commander Decks set #17
2023-08 Secret Lair Commander Deck: Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings SLD Box set Secret Lair Commander deck #3
2023-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: Fall Superdrop 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #47
2023-09 Wilds of Eldraine WOE Expansion set 97th expansion
2023-09 Enchanting Tales WOT Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2023-09 Wilds of Eldraine/Commander decks WOC Box set Commander Decks set #18
2023-09 Starter Kit 2023 Box set Starter set #10
2023-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: Dan Frazier's Mox Box SLD Box set Secret Lair release #48
2023-09 Ponies: The Galloping 2 - Extra Life 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #49
2023-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: Li’l’est Walkers SLD Box set Secret Lair release #50
2023-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: Spookydrop 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #51
2023-10 Alchemy: Eldraine Y24 Digital set Alchemy release #8
2023-10 Doctor Who Commander Decks WHO Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #5
Commander Decks set #19, Planechase set #4
2023-11 The Lord of the Rings: Holiday Release LTC Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #4b
2023-11 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan LCI Expansion set 98th expansion
2023-11 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan/Commander decks LCC Box set Commander Decks set #20
2023-11 Jurassic World Collection REX Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #6, Booster insert set #2
2023-11 Special Guest reprints SPG Compilation set Introduction and first printing
2023-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Secretversary 2023 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #52
2023-12 Alchemy: Ixalan Y24 Digital set Alchemy release #9
2023-12 Secret Lair: Calling All Hydra Heads SLD Box set Secret Lair release #53
2023-12 Secret Lair Drop Series: Doctor Who: Regeneration SLD Box set Secret Lair release #54
2024-01 Ravnica Remastered RVR Compilation set Tabletop Remastered set #4
2024-01 Secret Lair Commander Deck: Raining Cats & Dogs SLD Box set Secret Lair Commander deck #4
2024-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Winter Superdrop 2024 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #53
2024-02 Murders at Karlov Manor MKM Expansion set 99th expansion
2024-02 Murders at Karlov Manor/Commander decks MKC Box set Commander Decks set #21
2024-02 Ravnica: Clue Edition CLU Box set Annex set #9
2024-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Burning Revelations SLD Box set Secret Lair release #54
2024-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Sheldon's Spellbook SLD Box set Secret Lair release #55
2023-12 Alchemy: Karlov Manor Y24 Digital set Alchemy release #10
2024-03 Fallout PIP Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #7, Commander Decks set #22
2024-04 Outlaws of Thunder Junction OTJ Expansion set 100th expansion
2024-04 Breaking News OTP Compilation set Bonus sheet set
2024-04 The Big Score BIG Supplemental set 2nd micro set, turned into a Bonus sheet.
2024-04 Outlaws of Thunder Junction/Commander decks OTC Box set Commander Decks set #23
2024-05 Alchemy: Thunder Junction Y24 Digital set Alchemy release #11
2024-05 Secret Lair Drop Series: Spring Superdrop 2024 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #56
2024-06 Modern Horizons III MH3 Supplemental set Straight-to-Modern set #4
2024-06 Modern Horizons 3/Commander decks M3C Box set Commander Decks set #24
2024-06 Secret Lair Drop Series: Summer Superdrop 2024 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #57
2024-07 Assassin's Creed ACR Supplemental set Universes Beyond set #8, Straight-to-Modern set #5
2024-07 Secret Lair Drop Series: Inside an Elevator Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #58
2024-08 Bloomburrow BLB Expansion set 101st expansion
2024-08 Bloomburrow/Commander decks BLC Box set Commander Decks set #25
2024-08 Mystery Booster 2 MB2 Supplemental set Chaos Draft set #2 (Convention Edition)
2024-08 Alchemy: Bloomburrow Y25 Digital set Alchemy release #12
2024-08 Secret Lair Drop Series: Dungeons & Dragons 50th Anniversary Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #59
2024-09 Duskmourn: House of Horror DSK Expansion set 102nd expansion
2024-09 Duskmourn: House of Horror/Commander decks DSC Box set Commander Decks set #26
2024-09 Secret Lair Drop Series: Camp Totally Safe Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #60
2024-10 Secret Lair Drop Series: Pixel Perfect - Extra Life 2024 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #61
2024-10 Alchemy: Duskmourn Y25 Digital set Alchemy release #13
2024-11 Secret Lair Drop Series: Marvel Superdrop SLD Box set Secret Lair release #62.
2024-11 Magic: The Gathering Foundations FDN Core set Foundation set #1
2024-11 Magic: The Gathering Foundations Starter Collection Commander cards FDC Supplemental set
2024-11 Foundations Jumpstart J25 Supplemental set Jumpstart set #4
2024-11 Secret Lair Commander Deck: 20 Ways to Win SLD Box set Secret Lair Commander deck #5
2024-12 Secret Lair Drop Series: The Fairest Drop of All SLD Box set Secret Lair release #63. Chaos Vault release #1.
2024-12 Pioneer Masters PIO Compilation set MTG Arena set #7
2025-01 Innistrad Remastered INR Compilation set Tabletop Remastered set #5
2025-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Animar & Friends SLD Box set Secret Lair release #64.
2025-02 Secret Lair Drop Series: Winter Superdrop 2025 SLD Box set Secret Lair release #65.
2025-02 Aetherdrift DFT Expansion set 103rd expansion
2024-02 Aetherdrift/Commander decks DRC Box set Commander Decks set #27
2025-04 Tarkir: Dragonstorm TDM Expansion set 104th expansion
2025-04 Spring Flourishes SLX Promo set SLX program promo release #1
2025-06 Final Fantasy FIN Supplemental set 105th expansion, Universes Beyond set #9
2025-08 Edge of Eternities EOE Expansion set 106th expansion
2025-Q4 Marvel's Spider-Man SPM Supplemental set 107th expansion, Universes Beyond set #10
2025-Q4 Unnamed Universes Beyond set Supplemental set 108th expansion, Universes Beyond set #11


  1. Rise of the Eldrazi, Avacyn Restored, and Dragons of Tarkir are each the third expansion of its respective block. They are large expansions to highlight and provide room for a dramatic reboot in gameplay and tone. The second set in Return to Ravnica block, Gatecrash, was made large to allow a new distribution of the ten guilds.

External Links


  1. Aaron Forsythe (January 6, 2014). "From the Director's Chair: 2013". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Mark Rosewater (November 14, 2024). "I was curious about how long after release a set continues to actually be printed?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  3. a b Zac Hill (April 27, 2012). "Size Matters". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2021-04-29.
  4. Mark Rosewater (September 22, 2019). "Were sagas proven popular before Theros was completed?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  5. Mark Rosewater (September 22, 2019). "I think I remember you saying a set is finalized roughly six months before release?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  6. a b Blake Rasmussen (August 25, 2014). "Building Blocks". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2021-04-29.
  7. a b c Mark Rosewater (August 25, 2014). "Metamorphosis". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2017-12-03.
  8. a b c Mark Rosewater (June 12, 2017). "Metamorphosis 2.0". Wizards of the Coast.
  9. Mark Rosewater (May 25, 2020). "The Grand Experiment". Wizards of the Coast.
  10. a b Mark Rosewater (August 10, 2023). "Just so we're clear on the terminology...". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  11. Mark Rosewater (March 22, 2021). "Nuts & Bolts #13: Design Skeleton Revisted". Wizards of the Coast.
  12. Mark Rosewater (October 16, 2023). "How did play boosters change the way you designed sets?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  13. Mark Rosewater (March 4, 2024). "Nuts & Bolts #16: Play Boosters". Wizards of the Coast.
  14. Randy Buehler (June 20, 2004). "The Size of Sets". Wizards of the Coast.
  15. Mark Rosewater (2008 June 02). "The Year of Living Changerously". Wizards of the Coast.
  16. Mark Rosewater (December 7, 2009). "Playing With Blocks". Wizards of the Coast.
  17. Mark Rosewater (September 02, 2015). "What are reasons behind changing the Draft format?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  18. Mark Rosewater (September 7, 2015). "Is 184 the new default size of small sets?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  19. Sam Stoddard (December 4, 2015). "Double Small-Set Drafting". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2020-11-08.
  20. Mark Rosewater (July 21, 2024). "Alara Reborn has no monocolor cards. Is such (premier) set possible in current system?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  21. Michael G. Ryan (December 5, 2011). "Taming the Beast". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2021-01-26.
  22. Mark Rosewater (February 7, 2022). "With Brother's War I've noticed that with both of the Event sets". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  23. Mark Rosewater (August 3, 2023). "What other types of sets exist besides event sets?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  24. Mark Rosewater (August 2, 2023). "What is "a backdrop set"?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  25. Mark Rosewater (March 26, 2024). "Outlaw of the Land, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  26. Mark Rosewater (January 17, 2024). "Would you say the Death Race Set is a Backdrop Set, an Event Set or neither?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  27. Mark Rosewater (March 31, 2024). "Can you share whether the Death Race set is also a Showcase set?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  28. Doug Beyer (July 20, 2011). "Core Curriculum". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2021-01-26.
  29. Mark Rosewater (January 6, 2014). "Why does Magic 2015 have 269 cards instead of the usual 249?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  30. Thomas Wilde (December 17, 2023). "Wizards of the Coast President Cynthia Williams on tabletop trends, 2023 strategy, and more".
  31. Mark Rosewater (August 8, 2023). "Does tentpole include commander?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  32. Mark Rosewater (August 10, 2023). "What's the difference between a tent pole set and a supplemental set?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  33. Mark Rosewater (June 5, 2017). "Im starting to lose track of the product slots...". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  34. Mark Rosewater (July 28, 2019). "Iss it a hard rule that innovation products have to be booster based?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  35. Mark Rosewater (July 25, 2021). "In the future will magic sets based on other...". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  36. Mark Rosewater (July 24, 2022). "Universes Beyond are not premier sets. They are definitionally supplemental.". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  37. Mark Rosewater (July 20, 2009). "The Silver Lining". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2021-04-18.
  38. Mark Rosewater (July 27, 2017). "How did 'Un' begin?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  39. Gavin Verhey (December 6, 2017). "Product Architecture: How a Product Is Made". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2017-12-07.
  40. Gavin Verhey (November 1, 2018). "Building the Guild Kits". Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2018-11-04.
  41. Mark Rosewater (February 22, 2016). "We're getting three supplementals this year; Con2, Eternal Masters and Commander - is this the norm for the future?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  42. Wizards of the Coast (December 13, 2022). "March of the Machine Arrives in 2023". Wizards of the Coast.
  43. Wizards of the Coast (December 13, 2022). "March of the Machine: The Aftermath: Epilogue Booster".
  44. Mark Rosewater (February 9, 2024). "Hated? Not just disliked, but hated? Should we assume that means mini-sets like Aftermath are unlikely in the future?". Blogatog. Tumblr.
  45. Mark Rosewater (September 30, 2024). "Odds & Ends: 2024, Part 1". Wizards of the Coast.
  46. Blake Rasmussen, Max McCall, Zakeel Gordon (February 13, 2024). "Epilogue on Epilogue (Video)". Magic: The Gathering. YouTube.
  47. Mark Rosewater (April 8, 2024). "Was the decision to not execute on it made before or after MAT failed so spectacularly?". Blogatog. Tumblr.