Robaran Mercenaries

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Robaran Mercenaries
[[File:{{#setmainimage:Robaran Mercenaries.png}}|150px]]
Founded on Palmyra, Jamuraa, Dominaria
Founded The Time of Legends
Status Unknown
Leader Adira Strongheart
Notable members Badger, Heath, Jedit Ojanen, Hazezon Tamar, Hunding Gjornersen, Jasmine Boreal, Simone the Siren, Treetop, Wilemina
Races Humans and dwarves

The Robaran Mercenaries were a group of Dominarian mercenaries, pirates and adventurers in the service of Adira Strongheart. They were based in Palmyra on the continent of Jamuraa.


Despite their name, the Robaran Mercenaries could be a benevolent group, aiding their leader in many missions of mercy. The Robarans' most famous leader was Jedit Ojanen, who led the mercenaries against the military advances of the tyrant Johan. Adira Strongheart kept the best of them close as her bodyguards called her Circle of Seven. They came and went, often getting killed. Famous members were Hazezon Tamar, Jasmine Boreal and Hunding Gjornersen.

While many of the mercenaries survived, it is unknown what became of the group after the fall of Johan and the liberation of Efrava.

Minor members

  • Heath, a mysterious archer possible part-elf, possibly a Radjan spirit
  • Simone the Siren, a buxom black pirate
  • Treetop, a dwarf
  • Sister Wilemina, an archer-nun who worshipped Lady Caleria
  • Badger, a salty veteran.

In-game references

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