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Race Angel
Birthplace Starnheim, Kaldheim
Lifetime Mending Era

Njala is a valkyrie shepherd of Starnheim, paired with Alajn.[1]


Njala is tasked with observing battles and determining if warriors have earned a place in Starnheim, the hall of heroes. She has a paired sister named Alajn, who serves as a reaper. Njala is particularly interested in Arni Brokenbrow, frequently observing his battles and hoping for his worthy death to bring him to Starnheim. She feels conflicted when Arni faces life-threatening situations, showing both her duty-bound desire for his valorous end and her wish for him to survive. Njala's interest in mortals extends to understanding their stories and backgrounds, as evidenced by her conversations with the dwarf skald Hormgart about Arni's past.


Above the Feltmark, under a washed-out sun, a battle was imminent. It wasn't a grand clash but a skirmish between Skelle raiders and Tuskeri warriors, with the latter vastly outnumbered. Njala and her reaper sister Alajn observed, assessing warriors for their worthiness to enter Starnheim, the hall of heroes. Njala's interest was piqued by Arni Brokenbrow, the Tuskeri leader known for his red hair and horn-like bone protrusion. Despite the odds, Arni led a bold charge, surprising the Skelle and ensuring a Tuskeri victory. Njala felt a strange connection when Arni appeared to grin at her, an impossibility since mortals couldn't see Valkyries unless permitted.

In the aftermath, Njala felt an unusual emptiness, sensing Arni should have died. She sought out Hormgart, a dwarf skald in Starnheim, to learn more about Arni. Hormgart recounted how Arni, formerly known as Goatleaper, earned his name in a headbutting contest against a troll, embedding the troll's tusk into his forehead and securing his new moniker, Brokenbrow.

Later, Njala and Alajn watched Arni confront a hellkite dragon in the Tusk mountains. Arni's cunning prevailed as he lassoed the beast and drove his blade into its skull, another seemingly impossible feat. Njala realized she was more invested in Arni's survival than she admitted, feeling a mix of duty and personal admiration.

Finally, Njala witnessed Arni in an honor duel with the massive Tover Giants-Blood. Despite being overmatched, Arni's cunning and tenacity shone through. In a desperate moment, as Giants-Blood squeezed the life from him, Arni employed the same headbutt tactic that won him his name, shattering Giants-Blood's resolve and securing his survival.

Throughout these trials, Njala's growing fascination with Arni's indomitable spirit and reckless bravery highlighted her internal conflict between duty and personal admiration, leaving her with a deepened understanding of the mortal hero she so closely watched.

Story appearances

Title Author Publishing date Set Setting (plane) Featuring
Brokenbrow Roy Graham 2021-01-22 Kaldheim Kaldheim Njala, Alajn, Arni, Hormgart, Tover Giants-Blood


  1. Roy Graham (January 22, 2021). "Brokenbrow". magicthegathering.com. Wizards of the Coast.