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Race Human
Birthplace Rabiah
Lifetime Unknown
Arabian Nights (comic)

Raghib was the fellow student and one time lover of Nailah on Rabiah.

Nailah wanted to unite the 5 versions of Taysir and merge them into a planeswalker. It had been foretold that this planeswalker would be the most powerful one ever, and she wanted that power for herself. Nailah used Raghib to gather various objects she needed, such as the Ring of Ma'rûf. When he had outlived his usefulness, she cursed him to live as a leper. He tracked down the white Taysir and stayed at his side.

When the red Taysir tracked down the white one and told him the black version had already killed the green version, Raghib revealed his true identity to Taysir. He stayed by the white Taysir's side as he united with the red and blue versions and eventually confronted Nailah. Although all five Taysirs were united and defeated Nailah, Raghib could not be there to witness it, for his former lover had killed him moments before with a drain spell.