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Colour Pair Typals Speculation in Bloomburrow.

Confirmed: {R}{W}=Mice

Hinted: {U}{R}=Otters & {G}{W}=Rabbits as per the Starter Kit face cards.

Educated Guess: Raccoons are featured in the Gruul commander deck and are on the collector boosters packaging: Ergo, {R}{G}=Raccoon. Similarly, Squirrels are Golgari in the commander deck and mentioned in the WPN page: Therefore, {B}{G}=Squirrel. Birds are Azorius via process of elimination in the Jeskai colour pairs in the commander deck (Izzet and Boros are already taken with stronger evidence). Thus, {W}{U}=Birds.

Blind Guesswork: Bats based on the many Bat Orzhov cards in WOE onwards likely suggest {W}{B}=Bats. Frogs are mentioned in the WPN page cited earlier, are on the collector boosters, and have been in just Green last year. We're going with {G}{U}=Frogs due to Glarb's colouration from Magiccon.

Blindest Guesswork: The above cited WPN page also mentions Rats. Rats have been Black in the last few sets and the remaining black-inclusive colour pair is Rakdos or Dimir. There have been no Lizards in the last year. Snakes can possibly be in Rakdos because the only two snakes in the last year were Black and Red. However, Gev, despite the fact that Mabel's party does not guarantee you a spot, is either Rakdos coloured or Gruul coloured and Gruul is taken. Also, Snakes don't fit the small little critter vibes most of the other animals are aiming for, though this is subjective since I could say the same for Lizards. Nonetheless, {B}{R}=Lizards. Leaving {U}{B}=Rats.

Lots of this speculation depends on Outlaw at Thunder Junction animals. Hopefully will get a better idea of animals then. One of the leaked cards, Magebane Lizard ({R}) and Ankle Biter ({G}) further suggest that Rakdos is Lizards and not Snakes.


Nera Buvelle (talk) 07:57, 9 March 2024 (UTC)

I politely agree on many points of the guesswork. Likewise, I consider the official reveals and hints, Commander Decks speculations, previous sets animal "seeding" or "sprinkling" and the color identity of an animal throughout Magic. Another bit of speculation is color coding of character art we get for spoilers.

Thusly, my list is as follows:

Bats as {U}{B} or {W}{B} is a tricky one. Zoraline is certainly more Dimir-colored, but Ixalan bats are rather Orzhov-leaning. I would rather go with {W}{B} Bats. For me, {U}{B} asks for a) nocturnal, b) flying, c) amphibious, and d) possibly ‘non-friendly shaped’ animal. Snails (coupled with Slugs?), featured in LCI may see wider support. My other guess is Turtle.

Hugs, a badger from Mabel’s party gives off {W}{B} or {B}{G} vibes, but all along Badgers were {R}{G}; badgers are generally bigger than typical Bloomburrow denizens, and MaRo mentioned that Mabel’s party doesn’t necessarily represent the tribes.

I don’t believe rats will make a showing, as they had already had a typal support in WOE, we haven’t seen any spoilers, and, finally, the rats do not strike me as ‘forest’ animals.

There are also several animals shown recently that do not often make it into the speculations lists: Moles, Boars, and Wolverines (will likely see the latter two among Calamity Beasts). Earlier still: Sable, Beaver and Porcupine. Some of them will probably appear. I also expect some type of coupling for some bigger backward compatibility.

UrusSh (talk) 19:31, 12 March 2024 (UTC)

Confirmed color pairs

As is shown by Bria, Riptide Rogue and Byrke, Long Ear of the Law, Otters and Rabbits have confirmed color pairs and are not speculation.

This assumes they are in the set and not made for the Starter Kit. I would wait and see if this is the case or not before putting them on the main page.Neoheart (talk) 12:33, 13 March 2024 (UTC)
Since those races have been mentioned as being in the set it makes no kind of sense for them to have a different color pairing on the cards in the starter set than in the main set, especially given the set's focus on typals and that the starter decks specifically have those typals as their themes. {{SUBST:User:Varghedin/SigX}} 11:59, 14 March 2024 (UTC)

Leaked Poster Further Confirms Guesses at Bloomburrow Typal Archetypes

As shown to the right, a Bloomburrow poster has been prematurely leaked, and it depicts 10 different animal species. These species correlate to the guessed typal draft archetypes shown above, further confirming our suspicions on the possible typal draft archetypes. While the colors are still uncertain from this picture alone, we can at least put a better-formed hypothesis about what typals are actually in the set.

In other words, the following should be even more likely to be the typal draft archetypes:


That is all. Nera Buvelle (talk) 12:34, 28 June 2024 (UTC)