Creature class

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In Magic, Class is a subset of the characteristic "Creature type". Most humanoid creatures have at least two creature types: race and class. Whereas race (such as human, elf, or goblin) is a matter of genetics, a creature's class (such as soldier, wizard, or rogue) represents their function, occupation, career or calling in life.

Statistically speaking, as of Commander 2014 the most common class is Wizard (554), followed by Soldier (504) and then Warrior (455).

Class Description Gatherer
Advisors Tacticians, courtiers, ministers, and others known for their wisdom. Search
Alchemists People who practice alchemy, a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy.
Allies People or creatures that have joined together in an association for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose. Search
Archers Combatants who specialize in fighting with bow and arrows. Search
Artificers Those who specialize in working with artifacts. Search
Assassins Specialists in targeted killing. Search
Barbarians Unorganized fighters, usually from primitive and/or uncivilized cultures. Search
Berserkers Combatants who enter a frenzy in battle, gaining great speed and battle prowess. Search
Bodyguards People employed to guard an individual, often a high official or VIP, from bodily harm.
Bureaucrats People who run a government and do everything according to the rules.
Clerics . Spellcasters who channel the power of their faith in a cause or higher being into potent magic. Search
Cowards People who lack courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition or pain.
Druids Masters of magic powered by faith, and strongly tied to plants, animals, fertility, the element of earth, and the land about them. Search
Flagbearers Soldiers or civilians who bear a standard or flag, which is used as a formal, visual symbol of a military unit on the battlefield. Search
Guardians Creatures which guard, protect, or preserve.
Heroes Characters who, in the face of danger, display courage and the will for self sacrifice for some greater good.
Knights Highly-trained combatants who are usually part of a formal army or cavalry, usually specializing in fighting on horseback with a sword or lance. Search
Lords Creatures with an occupation of high class or power within a structure or organization.
Mage A magician or learned person.
Mercenaries Individuals who sell their services in combat for money. Search
Minions Those who work the will of overtly evil forces or organizations. Search
Monks Individuals who have devoted their lives to quiet introspection and meditation, though many monks are skilled at magic, martial arts, or both. Search
Mystics People adept at channeling mana with their faith, learned through careful meditation. Search
Ninjas Masters of both stealth and armed combat who may find employment as spies, warriors, mercenaries and assassins. Search
Nomads Members from uncivilized tribes who wander open spaces in closely-knit groups. Search
Pilot Persons who fly a skyship, air balloon or other vehicle. Search
Pirates Motley fighters and scoundrels who sail the sea and skies to loot and plunder the unexpected. Search
Rebels Individuals who fight against oppression or just to survive. Search
Riggers Creatures that specialize in the lifting and moving of extremely large or heavy objects. Search
Rogues Those who live by their wits, using stealth and cunning to make their way in life. Search
Samurai Warriors who have sworn their service and their lives to a single authority figure, usually a feudal lord. Search
Scouts Individuals who are adept at getting along in the wild, often sharing the benefits of their prowess with others. Search
Shamans Protectors and spiritual leaders among the more primitive races. Their magic comes from rituals, lore, and years of practice. Search
Soldiers Trained combatants who are part of a formal army. They are adept at fighting in concert and overwhelming the enemy. Search
Spellshapers Spellcasters who devote themselves to perfecting a single spell or selection of spells. Search
Tacticians People who are good at making plans in order to achieve particular goals.
Townsfolk Humans without a specific occupation.
Warriors Combatants who fight alone or in loose hordes. Search
Wizards Masters of channeling mana into powerful spells. Search