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Kjeldor was a nation on eastern Terisiare during the Ice Age.

It was founded 500 years prior to the casting of the Worldspell by Clan Pearl and Clan Emerald, two of the five clans of the kingdom of Storgard. These two clans had left their kingdom for they thought, correctly, that it would soon be caught under the ever growing ice caps. Kjeldor is named after Oriel Kjeldos, the old leader of Clan Emerald who died on the journey from Storgard. Her descendants became the royal family of Kjeldor.

The country contians 3 major cities: Kjeld, the old capitol, Krov, the new capital during the later days of the Ice Age and Soldev, located where once Storgard had stood.

The story Reprisal from the book Colors of Magic mentions a Lord Rotchild as the ruler of southern Kjeldor. Since the story happens during the last stages of the Ice Age, when Darien Kjeldos was king, this suggests southern Kjeldor had some for of partial indepencance. Soldev also had a form of self gouverning and acted more as a seperate city-state then a part of the greater kingdom.

Twenty years after the end of the Ice Age Kjeldor and its long time enemy Balduvia started to get closer, realising their perpetual state of war didn't benifit either of them. This would eventualy lead to the merger of the two countries into New Argive