Ronom Lake

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Ronom Lake
[[File:{{#setmainimage:Terisiare Detail 3.jpg}}|250px]]
Plane Dominaria
Part of Terisiare (nation)
Status Swallowed by the Sea of Laments
Later part of Frost Marsh

Ronom Lake was an immense lake in the centre of the continent of Terisiare, at the time of the Brothers' War on Dominaria.

The sweet water lake, almost an inland sea, was the drainage basin for the Ronom Glacier. During the Ice Age, it dried up. Just east of it, the Frost Marsh, near Tresserhorn, came into being. The site of many battles during the Ice Age, each one a bloody scene quickly whitened by a thick layer of snow, it became a multitiered graveyard of enraged souls and fallen warriors, and was used by Lim-Dûl to incubate his undead followers.[1] For this, the region also became known as the Lake of the Dead.

Ronom Lake is popularly believed to have been in the region of present-day Jharth.[2]

Ronom was a part of the Gixian lands during the Brothers' War, until they were driven out around 69 AR in the first Talite crusade. By 80 AR, a school of magic and artifice was founded along the Lake by Ashnod and Tawnos.[3]


  1. (2006). Dissension Player's Guide. Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Duelist Supplement 1994: A History of Antiquities
  3. Miguel Lopez (October 20, 2022). "The Brothers' War - Episode 2: The Beginning". Wizards of the Coast.