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Mirtiin is a part of several landmasses in the most extreme north of the Domains on Dominaria.[1] It is a radical xenophobic nation of minotaurs, and a sister nation of Stahaan.[2]

The minotaurs of Mirtiin are divided into eleven houses or clans, each of which wear different colours[3]:

  • Grass-Above: Green and Gold
  • Iron-in-Granite: White and Ochre
  • Gems-in-Hand: Turquoise, Pink, and Black
  • Shade-in-Ice: Purple
  • Ants-Below: Orange and Grey
  • Cups-Ashattered: Yellow and Black
  • Stones-Afalling: Grey and Sky Blue
  • Flame-in-Void: Red on Black
  • Horns-of-Gold: Gold on Brown
  • Rock-in-Water: Black and Midnight Blue
  • Sun-on-Forelocks: Tan and White.

Adult males have names ending in -rax and adult females have names ending in -aya. Married males keep their original clan, but live with their wife's clan. The children belong to their mother's clan. Mirtiin is ruled by a chieftain who is one of two males chosen by a council of matriarchs. The two chosen must decide between themselves who is to be ruler, and, if they can't decide by peaceful means, they do so by combat. In the Assembly Chamber, the chieftain speaks for, and is addressed as, Mirtiin. The chieftain and his guards are the only Mirtiin minotaurs who do not belong to any clan, and they wear the colours of all eleven clans.

The Temple is made from Stahaan stones and is led by a priestess from Stahaan, who acts as Stahaan's representative in Mirtiin. Mirtiin has been under the hegemony of its sister nation, Stahaan, as long as it has existed. They have fought at least four wars against Stahaan to try to gain independence, and lost every time. Three of the eleven houses (S-i-I, A-B, and C-A) are considered orthodox and loyal to Stahaan. Three others (G-A, I-i-G, and G-i-H) are liberal and wish to be free from Stahaan's influence. The other four are neutral.


In-game references
