Magic 2011/Changes

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Magic 2011/Changes

Cards added to Magic 2011

The following 136 cards from Magic 2011 were not printed in Magic 2010. A + after the card name indicates a new card that has never been printed before.

Changes in rarity

The following cards changed rarity from their last printing to Magic 2011.

Strictly better

Strictly worse

Cards removed from Magic 2010

The following 136 cards from Magic 2010 did not get reprinted in Magic 2011.[1]

Cards in every core set up to Magic 2011

The following 2 cards have appeared in all core sets from Alpha to Magic 2011.[2]

The 6 cards that appeared in all core sets up until Magic 2011 are: Air Elemental, Bog Wraith, Drudge Skeletons, Howling Mine, Nightmare and Rod of Ruin.

Functional reprints

Magic 2011 has 6 functional reprints:



  1. Tom LaPille (June 04, 2010). "Core Samples". Wizards of the Coast.
  2. Monty Ashley (June 09, 2010). "Core Set Survivor: Magic 2011 Edition". Wizards of the Coast.