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Jump to navigation Jump to search was a website about Magic: The Gathering that was active between 1998 and 2009. It was a rather comprehensive website about Magic storyline and continuity. In early 2021, the site was permanently shut down.

Description was known for having one of the most reliable sources of information about the storylines and characters in its Continuity section, the people focusing their energy on the various novels work hard at each book release to discuss all aspects of the storylines and even offering qualified guesses on the future storylines.

The forums were divided into nine different forums, each pertaining to different facets of Magic, the game itself, and its storyline.

General Discussion — First Sphere

Magic Talk — "Magic community opinions and debates on latest news. One of few spheres capable of supporting non-compleat visitors."

Deck Help — Second Sphere

Deck Help — "The armies of Phyrexia gather their skills and decks to crush to opposing forces. Here the planners and beginners build their greatest armaments."

Newcomers were generally not acknowledged and accepted in The old-timers of the place were not very likely to welcome anyone who wrote posts like "Help me build the best deck ever!" Even regulars were not inclined to post decks in this sphere due to forthcoming criticism.

Buy/Trade/Sell — Third Sphere

Buy/Trade/Sell — "The reprocessor, where you may trade or sell your useless pieces of decks for powerful replacements."

The Vats — Fourth Sphere

Non-Magic Talk — "The vats are for non-Magic discussions. Moderators here will also help you with problems you have in the Phyrexian Forum."

The content in these posts featured anything from the private lives of the users to the newest discussions on world-events.

The Fuel of Phyrexia — Fifth Sphere

Misc. — "Join in the fellowship of Phyrexia. Create cards, write stories, discuss strategies and much more. This section is for you and others to enjoy."

This sphere was mostly used when there was nothing to discuss in any of the other spheres. Occasionally this forum would make "Create a card" contests.

Dominarian Chronicles — Sixth Sphere

Storyline — Discuss your favorite legends, planes, and other characters from the storyline of Magic. WotC Continuity Department will officially answer questions from time to time; it is because of this cooperation between the Wizards of the Coast Continuity Department and that was occasionally mentioned by columnists.

The Inferno of Phyrexia — Seventh Sphere

Flames — "Let all who dare defile one another find enlightenment in this sphere. Beware the monstrosities that can survive the flames."

The Inner Circle — Eighth Sphere

News — "News and information from Read about updates, see previews of upcoming sections, and learn about the Inner Circle Staff of Moderators in the Phyrexian Forum."

Forum of the Ineffable — Ninth Sphere

Questions — "Let Yawgmoth's will be upon us all. Send in questions for answers. Read his postings." The Forum of the Ineffable was a rulings forum.

The unofficial rules

The denizens of had made a habit of being as weird and as regulative as possible; this resulted in a very loose structure on behavior and strict rules on what was acceptable, apropos posting. These unofficial rules, along with the somewhat silly behavior often bewildered and repelled potential members.

External links