User talk:Oracle of Truth

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Glad you're back :) --GeoMike 21:28, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

Thx, it's good to be back :) . Oracle of Truth 01:44, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

Well, first things first! I forgot to mention that these curves follow the principles of sligh! I have a long past with simulations and generaly reside in where I post quite frequently about the discoveries on manacurves I make with my simulations. It's pretty advanced stuff though.

Since you have a background with simulations we might even strike a deal one day. I have been searching for a long time for someone to duplicate my simulations which actually involve a lot of troubles because of my personal background.

I'll pop away to see if I can find a link to some of my "works"


No really good link anywhere! Just a lot of posts that are losely interlinked. Are you interrested in working on a sim though?

MORT will be able to tell you a bit about me!

12:23, 9 September 2009 (UTC)Taylor I have only edited the wiki one other time in my life, and that was to change parts of my OWN wiki page that were wrong.(and then Magic Mage IP banned me for doing it) I know nothing about what 'style' the wiki should be in.

I was TRYING, on this thread, to get someone that DID know more about the 'style' the wiki should be in to update that page, with more information. I left the part already there. I feel that what MORT said in post #5 of this thread should be added to the wiki page. I don't care about the 'style' in which those extra facts are added, only that they are.

MORT pointed out that the 'style' I used was 'wrong,' and I tried editing it, but I don't really know anything about writing MtGS Wiki pages in 'the proper style.' Lets face it, 'style' is a VERY subjective thing anyway, and I don't 'get it' right now.

I will request that someone that DOES know about how to update the wiki page 'the proper way' do it, with the extra information. Since the current information is misleading to the point of being wrong. -Taylor 12:23, 9 September 2009 (UTC)~~