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Archlich is an editor of MTGS Wiki, and is a self-purported "isolated weekend-warrior come from the hidden expanses of the plane of Earth to aid the MTGS Wiki-ticians in their endless battle against the vile and eternal whims of Internet chaos, or something like that."

Online activity


Archlich wrote most of the articles on Mirrodin and its inhabitants, completed much of Kamigawa, and greatly expanded the pages on Phyrexia and Mercadia. He also added to Rath and its locations, as well as Serra's Realm. Occasionally, he works on species of the Multiverse, or he wastes time typing up vainglorious summaries about himself on his user profile. He is trying to fill in the sections on Dominaria, currently.

Alter egos

  • Grungekid -,
  • Sanguinius' creed -
  • hamsters of doom -


Archlich is an American teenager from a forgotten, and yet, pivotal region in that country. Disenchanted with society, he finds solace in principled spirituality, literature, and the avenging dirge of thrash metal and alternative rock. Guitar and Trading Card Games are, of course, some of his primary hobbies. He likes obscure words - words like 'cyberpunk' or, 'grunge' - and dedicates much effort to learning their quaint histories and enjoying them to their fullest. Not only an artist, Archlich is an advocate of philosophical inquiry. Most of the time he seems to be off in his own world considering the oddities of existence.