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Notable cards

  • Cadaverous Bloom — This card allowed a player to generate large amounts of mana, frequently used in conjunction with Drain Life and famously as a part of the Prosperous Bloom combo.
  • Celestial Dawn — Nicknamed "bleach" by players, this enchantment made a muticolored deck into monochrome white. Counterspells, direct damage, and all the other color specialities are then available to the white player.
  • Grinning Totem — Taking the Jester's Cap concept one step further, the Totem not only lets you look through your opponent's library and remove a card, but then, adding injury to insult, allows you to play that card as if it were in your own hand, possibly turning your opponent's most powerful spell against them.
  • Hammer of Bogardan — Before the Hammer, decks based on direct damage tended to run into late-game problems of plenty of mana but no spells to spend it on. Enter the Hammer, an infinitely-reusable damage spell.
  • Maro — This card was named after designer Mark Rosewater and quickly became a favorite for green creature-based decks. Its concept would be revisited with Multani, Maro-Sorcerer in Urza's Legacy and Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer in Invasion. In 2005's Saviors of Kamigawa, a rare cycle of creatures based on hand size were printed with "Maro" in their names, such as Kagemaro, First to Suffer.
  • Political Trickery — This card is a weapon for blue counter / control decks against specialized lands.
  • Tombstone Stairwell — This card inspired new deck types, this Enchant World makes the 1/1 creatures typical of a weenie deck more valuable in the graveyard than out. Decks built around the Stairwell are designed to swarm the opponent: first with regular creatures, and then, once the graveyard is nicely stocked, with Tombstone Zombies.
  • Lion's Eye Diamond — Though originally considered to be of little competitive use, this 'fixed' Mox-like mana producer became well known in the modern Legacy environment, due partly to its interaction with Infernal Tutor, which can be cast and responded to with the activation of LED. It sees play in combo decks such as Dredge and Ad Nauseum Tendrils, and is currently the most valuable card in the set.