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As MORT has pointed out, the newest versaion of crusade has it's art WITH crosses on. Also I have been unable to track down any version without crosses on. I have not found the art from the less known expansions like chronicles! Does anyone know a link to the Crusade art without crosses on ??? Faceless Wanderer 13:55, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

MORT: I got the knowledge from PUSCHKIN! QUOTE: "The picture features knights that pretty much look like european knights of the medieval ages and they even have the christian cross on their shields"

"But, it is a card from Alpha and they changed their policy short after. The picture of Crusade was changed to have no crosses (not even knights!) from fifth edition and on. Of all the creatures with "Crusader" in their name, the Aysen Crusader (Homelands) was the last to look european and to have cross symbols. Instead cards like "Tivadar's Crusade" have been printed, where it clearly isn't anymore about a christian anything, more about what a Crusade stands for: A fight that is fought for beliefs against another "race"."

PUSCHKIN is rarely wrong, but do you think he has run into a myth??? Faceless Wanderer 14:04, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

He might be right. However, we should have some official source saying so. Before that, we can only guess, and wiki is no place for wild guesses. ;-) MORT (T) 14:32, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

Hmm, what I think has happened is this: I read his statement, but had one thing confused. He does claim that the crosses are removed, but he also says that even the knigths are removed. When I read this way back I thought that an alternate card was made where the knigths have no crosses on. This seems to be untrue, the alternate art consists of the angellike creature soaring over a wall? Not knigths without crosses, but the reason for the alternate art may still be religiously related. I suggest that the Crusade page is made a little like Unholy Strength with the knigths on one pic, then the angel-critter, and an explanation of why the art was altered. Faceless Wanderer 15:10, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

Wait, what is so wrong about it? Also, are there any websites, sources, etc.? Please do share.:) MM (talk!) 12:14, 29 June 2007 (UTC)