Starter-level preconstructed theme decks

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There are 13 starter-level set mono-colored theme decks.


Portal has one 2-Player Starter Set.

Portal Second Age

deck name
Colors Included
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Martial Law W
Spellweaver U
Nightstalkers B
Goblin Fire R
Nature's Assault G

Portal Second Age has one 2-Player Starter Set.

Portal Three Kingdoms

deck name
Colors Included
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Shu Kingdom W
Wu Kingdom U
Wei Kingdom B

Portal Three Kingdoms has one 2-Player Starter Set.

Starter 1999

deck name
Colors Included
{W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
Blinding Fury W
Time Curse U
Deadly Instinct B
Goblin Assault R
Impaler G

Portal Three Kingdoms has one 2-Player Starter Set called Starter Game Box.