Legacy Nic Fit deck

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Nic Fit is primarily a midrange deck. It handles each opposing strategy with situational cards which it can tutor. The strategy is found mostly within the Abzan colors.

According to Sam Black in WOTC's archive: "It turns out, "Nic Fit" comes from a forum where the thread was supposed to be about "Nice Fit" because of the synergies in the deck, but it was written with a typo, and the name stuck."


Even though it is a creature-toolbox-type of control deck, some strategies implement the Curses strategy alongside it.

Nic Fit is good at ramping with Veteran Explorer and finding their situational answers to the opponent's strategy.

Due to the ramp required to tutor for their answers, the deck may suffer from faster Combo decks. But the deck gains some real strength once they can effectively take advantage of Cabal Therapy.

Some lists also implement the Chain of Smog tech that may result in a bad exchange of blows for the opponent.

Grist, the Hunger Tide was a smart addition to the deck due to its ability to act as a creature in specific scenarios.

Contemporary Decklists

See also