Dexterity card

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Dexterity card
Introduced Alpha
Last used Unfinity
2 cards
{R} 50% {artifact symbol} 50%
55 Acorn cards
{W} 14.5% {U} 3.6% {B} 27.3% {R} 14.5% {G} 5.5% {W/U} 1.8% {R/G} 3.6% {U/R} 1.8% {artifact symbol} 27.3%
Scryfall Search

Dexterity cards in Magic are those that require some physical skill to achieve maximum effect, for example by flipping or dropping card(s) from a height of at least one foot onto the playing area.[1]


Chaos Orb and Falling Star were the first dexterity cards printed in black border and are banned in Vintage. Dexterity cards are no longer made in black border, but can still be printed as Acorn cards.[2][3][4]

There is a "Ripping card" variant used twice in Unglued which requires the card to be torn "into pieces" during activation. One of these does not require any additional dexterity action. For obvious reasons, ripping is rated 10 on the Gotcha Scale, meaning that players do not enjoy the mechanic and it's unlikely to be reprinted.[5]


  • If for any reason, a player is unable to perform the required feat of dexterity or other physical action, players may discuss using an equivalent task with the playgroup. If you can find a suitable substitute that upholds the spirit of the card, players may use that instead.[6]
  • A player is also allowed to designate another person to act in their place for that physical action or feat of dexterity.[7]
