Template:Deck rares

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Revision as of 07:34, 21 March 2023 by >Jerodast (Woo new setcode seems to be working, at least on Deckmasters page. Looking at template code it appears only 4 art-specific cards are supported, not 6.)
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For a standardized, readily mass-changeable line listing the rares in a preconstructed theme deck.

This template assumed that there is at least one non-alternate-art, non-holographic foil, and that there is more than one rare in a deck.

{{Deck rares|alt-art-n=...|holo-n=...|rare-n=...|rare-last=...}}
{{Deck rares|alt-art-n=...|holo-n=...|rare-n=...|rare-last=...|comma=yes}}
For an Oxford comma if the deck has more than two rares.


N.B.: Any parameter may be left out. {{{rare-last}}}, however, should never be left empty, as this part of the template is responsible for the "and".

  • {{{alt-art-n}}}: The names of the rares with alternate art. If alternate art cards are holographic foils, they are first alternate art cards. Currently, the largest value of n supported is 4.
  • {{{holo-n}}}: The names of the rares with holographic foil treatment. Currently, the largest value of n supported is 4.
  • {{{rare-n}}}: The names of non-alternate-art, non-holographic-foil rares. Currently, the largest value of n supported is 8. If a deck has holographic foil rares, please commence listing rares with rare-2, not rare-1.
  • {{{rare-last}}}: The name of last rare.
  • {{{comma}}}: A terminal serial comma. The variable for this parameter is, by definition, "yes"; "no" or anything else also works but, for consistency, please use "yes".
  • {{{setcode}}}: A 3 letter set code which will cause all cards to link to their version from that set, e.g. DKM for Deckmasters 2001. See {{Card}} for more on set codes and card lookup.