Kolo Meha

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Kolo Meha was a red mana mage of tremendous power, but with a good, if slightly destructive, sense of humor. He had reached the level of sixt-circle mage (out of ten) in his native Bogardan. To advance beyond that he had to make a pilgrimage, a journey around the world to learn how to use his powers in places the where not as vibrant with red mana as Bogardan was.

Meha joined a Keldon warhost, who see Bogardan native as something they aspire to be, and followed them on their campaigns across the globe. But when the warhost met the Kentsu, the Keldon's sold Meha to Marhault Elsdragon to avoid a battle. The Bogardan decided to just join the Kentsu as their demolition expert from now on, as that would be a good way to complete his pilgrimage as well.

When the Kentsu was sent to fight the Edemi Islands Meha was under the command of Jorgan Hage. Meha created a chasm to defend the Kentsu form attacking Kushoans, but was nearly killed for that by Hage who had wanted the battle to happen. When Hage later killed general Elsdragon and took his place, Meha quited the Kentsu, for he couldn't work under Hage anyway. He then followed Tetsuo Umezawa, whom he had met during his time in the Kentsu]]. Tetsuo was planning to attack emperor Nicol Bolas himself, and Meha thought that helping him would be the perfect way to fulfill his pilgrimage.

The two of them layed low for a while, during which Tetsuo trained him in the Tsunami-nito school, and Meha befriended the cat-dragon Wasitora (He knew exactly where he had to scratch he neck to gain her trust). Then Tetsuo sent him to the keep of Ramses Overdark, the imperial regent's mansion. There he defeated the efreet Zalgadib, and destroyed the keep itself, using seventh-circle magic.

His pilgrimage was completed, but Meha decided to stay with Tetsuo and help him restore order to the Empire of Madara, hoping he could get more control over his abilites in the process.

Kolo Meha apeared in Emperor's Fist and Champion's Trial, and made a short cameo in Assassin's Blade.