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Crixizix is a female goblin, a product of Zomaj Hauc's augmentation experiment. As Crix, she served as a courier to her magelord. Hauc used her to perform a special mission — a spell that enabled Hauc to control the dragons hatched from the newfound eggs was engraved to her metallic arm, in order to keep it a secret from Niv-Mizzet.

Thanks to the augmentations, she was endowed with very high intelligence (surpassing even most human members of the Izzet League), the ability to move very fast, and flight-—thanks to pyromana-powered jets hidden in her hollow mizzium shinbones.

She traveled to Utvara with Teysa Karlov's lokopede, and became lost when the lokopede was attacked by Gruul. With the help of Vor Golozar, Agrus Kos, and Pivlic, she was able to reach the Cauldron and deliver her message. Hauc proved to be less than thankful. Crix defied her master and tried to stop him. She also temporarily saved Agrus Kos by flying off the Cauldron explosion in his personal observosphere, the Pyraquin.

After Hauc's defeat she was promoted by Niv-Mizzet to the rank of Master Engineer and gained another syllable to her name, officially becoming Master Engineer Crixizix. She witnessed Niv-Mizzet's battle with nephilim and his withdrawal. She helped the citizens of nephilim-ravaged Utvara, most notably saving and healing the gravely-wounded Pivlic.