Cycling is a keyword ability that allows a player to pay a cost that includes discarding the card. When the activated ability resolves, that player draws a card. Cycling has been perennially popular and has been featured in more blocks than any other non-evergreen keyword, appearing in the Urza, Onslaught, Time Spiral, and Alara blocks.
Alara Reborn introduced cards with hybrid cycling costs.
A variant of the ability, typecycling, allows the player to search his or her library for a card of a given subtype instead of drawing the top card of their library. The first cards with this ability appeared in Scourge and allowed a player to search for a land card with a specific land type. Future Sight then expanded the ability to search for cards with a specific creature type. Conflux introduced basic land cycling.
Alara Reborn introduced the first cards with two landcycling abilities.
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