Legions (novel)

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Legions is the second novel of the Onslaught Cycle. It was written by J. Robert King and published in January 2003.

Legions continues from Onslaught and it’s story is concluded in Scourge.

It is sometimes referred as TBTSNBN, which means The Book That Shall Not Be Named within some storyline forums due to its disappointing story.


On one side stand the followers of Phage, who cry out for new arena combats, new champions, new blood spilled in the sand. On the other are the supporters of Akroma, the angel, who preaches a terrifying religion hallowing her creator.

In the middle stands the lonely figure of Kamahl. Once a champion of the pits, he must now atone for the terrible wrongs he has wrought. Those wrongs gave birth to Phage and Akroma. They gave birth to the suffering of the world.

Now Kamahl must sweep the land clean of this terrible blight. But his fury may destroy that which he most loves.
