Alison Lührs

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Alison Luhrs is a former community manager for Magic at Wizards of the Coast. She is also a creative writer that has contributed to Magic Story.

Luhrs started in at Wizards in in June, 2016 as an Associate Community Manager. In this role, managed all major social media channels.[1] From 2016 to 2018, she was part of R&D as Game Designer, primarily doing narrative design. As of November 2018 she moved over permanently to the Wizards of the Coast Digital Publishing team as Narrative Designer.[2] She was promoted to a Senior role in that capacity in 2019, being the centralized lead resource for Narrative across WotC's Digital Publishing and Licensing.


  1. Error on call to {{WebRef}}: Parameters url and title must be specified.
  2. Alison Luhr on Twitter