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Ezuri, Renegade Leader is a one time elven bandit who turned into hero after the Phyrexian compleation of Mirrodin. He is among the first who were aware of what was happening in the plane.


Previously a bandit, Ezuri changed his ways during the Phyrexian] invasion. He began organizing his fellow Viridian elves into groups that would fight the invaders and established refugee camps for Auriok, Sylvok, and Vulshok survivors. One of them included a shaman artificer.

After the Tangle was changed by Glissa Sunseeker, Ezuri organized the remaining elves and Sylvok into the treetops where they were safe from the corruption. He soon led them to join the resistance movement for Mirrodin, hoping for something good to happen that will end their plight.

Quest for Karn

When Ezuri first met with Elspeth Tirel, Koth, and Venser, Venser insisted that they had to continue to find Karn, however, Ezuri said that he could allow them to go no further, and revealed that the Phyrexian invasion had profited him greatly, catapulting him into a heroic leadership position that he was loathe to give up. When Elspeth threatened Ezuri, however, the elf backed down and his followers fled after a display of Venser's magic.[1] When the trio found Ezuri's rebel camp after rescuing Melira, a council was called where Ezuri, hoping to become more influential, invited Melira to stay with them while subtly telling the companions to leave. Melira said she would leave with the companions, however, and Elspeth and the others prepared to leave for the core to try to find Karn. While they were leaving, the camp was attacked by Tezzeret's Phyrexians, and the companions found a guide to take them to the core.[2]

In-Game References

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  1. Wintermute, Robert B. The Quest for Karn. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2011. Print.
  2. Wintermute, Robert B. The Quest for Karn. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2011. Print.