Ledev Guardians

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The Ledev Guardians ("Knights of the Road") are an order of Knights, who were sworn to defend routs of commerce and travel on the plane of Ravnica (plane).[citation needed]

Though the Ledev Guardians were originally an independent unit, they would eventually be brought into the Selesnyan Conclave and converted to the Selesnyan worship of life. It's noted in the Ravnica novels that the Ledev in recent times have been spending more and more of their time guarding Selesnyan officials, interests and territory and less time patrolling the roads of Ravnica for the good of all, a trend that leaves many Ledev Guardians concerned for the future of their order. According to the Ravnica Novels, the Ledev order is descended from and ancient order of warrior monks (Paladins) of Ravnica from before the signing of the Guildpact who would wander the roads righting wrongs and solving injustices for no reason other than their belief in right and wrong.[citation needed]

Ledev guardians are skilled in fighting with both bows and swords on foot and while mounted on large intelligent wolves. They share a deep bond with their wolves that is often mistaken for telepathy. Ladev are also capable of performing a limited "lay on hands" style of healing magic. The Ledev Guardians count at least Elves, Humans and centaur among their ranks but most likely include members of other races.[citation needed]

Notable members