Chandra Nalaar

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Template:Character Chandra Nalaar is a planeswalker who is adept at using spells of red mana. She's particularly good with fire and uses it resolve whatever situation she might be in. She values ingenuity and improvisation with her magic. She is passionate, impulsive, and doesn't much like authority, as typifies characters tightly bound to red mana. Even though Chandra is proud of her independent nature, she also recognizes the volatile nature of her inner fire.

Chandra Nalaar knows or has had a relationship with someone named Jaya (presumably Jaya Ballard), though the nature of that relationship is unknown.

“  Chandra Nalaar is a red-magic-wielding planeswalker. Her specialty is pyromancy: spells of fire, fire, and more fire.

There's no virtue in subtlety—at least not as far as the fire-mage Chandra Nalaar is concerned. Impulsive, passionate, and short-tempered, she's as ready to explode as the pyromantic spells of her ever-growing repertoire. Chandra's spark ignited when she was still quite young, and as she has grown, so have her abilities as a wielder of fire magic and as a planeswalker.

As a source of immense and unpredictable power, authority figures have sought to restrict and control Chandra, which comes into direct conflict with her need for independence and freedom. As Chandra's wild inner fire comes in contact with world after world of rules and strictures, the results are sure to be explosive.


Fuel for the Fire

While in a plane called Kephalai, Chandra stole a scroll from a museum. She was pursued by a Watch Commander, his men, and a pair of gargoyles. They attempted to execute her but she managed to get away using a large fire spell. Since no body was found, they considered the matter closed, but later investigations re-opened it.

Jace Beleren was assigned to track the scroll, and erase the memories of anyone who had read it. He managed to find Chandra in a yet-undisclosed plane where she was spending her time with a couple of elder woman, and a boy named Brannon. In the fight Jace seemed to gain the upper hand, and left after completing his mission.

However, it was revealed that Chandra had given the scroll to a group of scribes who were making copies of it before Jace arrived.

The Purifying Fire

Chandra is expected to be the protagonist of the upcoming novel The Purifying Fire.

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