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Mana is the primary resource for playing spells. Mana is typically drawn from lands, but it can also be generated by non-land permanents and other spells.

In textual terms mana symbols are represented as:

  • {W} = White
  • {U} = Blue
  • {B} = Black
  • {R} = Red
  • {G} = Green
  • {N} = colorless ("N" is a Natural number. Example: {1} is 1 colorless mana, {2} is 2 colorless mana and so on.)

Hybrid Mana

Hybrid Mana (also know as Half-Half Mana) is a type of mana first introduced in Ravnica: City of Guilds (set). Each hybrid mana symbol represents a cost which can be paid with one of two colors. The Hybrid can be any combination of two given colors. In textual terms hybrid mana symbols are represented as:

  • {W/U} = White or Blue
  • {W/B} = White or Black
  • {U/B} = Blue or Black
  • {U/R} = Blue or Red
  • {B/R} = Black or Red
  • {B/G} = Black or Green
  • {R/G} = Red or Green
  • {R/W} = Red or White
  • {G/W} = Green or White
  • {G/U} = Green or Blue