Irini Sengir<c> was once a daughter of the <!--LINK'" 0:0--> king of <!--LINK'" 0:1--> on <!--LINK'" 0:2-->, and was the great-grandmother of <!--LINK'" 0:3--> (though Reveka did not know this). When the <!--LINK'" 0:4--> began his campaign against the dwarves, he turned Irini into a vampire and adopted her as his daughter. After the Baron cast a spell on her, Irini became completely loyal to him. She became a talented <!--LINK'" 0:5--> and loved corrupting whatever is pure. She also became sadistic, with a particular hatred of dwarves. She later wanted Sengir’s signet ring which controlled <!--LINK'" 0:6-->’s Shade so that she could torture him.