Template:Navigation CR Lua error: Module:CR:415: Index not found! Khans of Tarkir%*'''715%.''' Subgames %*%*'''715%.1%.''' One card %('"`UNIQ%-%-c%-00000000%-QINU`"'%) allows players to play a Magic subgame%. %*%*%*'''715%.1a''' A "subgame" is a completely separate Magic game created by an effect%. Essentially, it’s a game within a game%. The “main game” is the game in which the spell or ability that created the subgame was cast or activated%. The main game is temporarily discontinued while the subgame is in progress%. It resumes when the subgame ends%. %*%*%*'''715%.1b''' No effects or definitions created in either the main game or the subgame have any meaning in the other, except as defined by the effect that created the subgame%. For example, the effect may say that something happens in the main game to the winner or loser of the subgame%. %*%*'''715%.2%.''' As the subgame starts, an entirely new set of game zones is created%. Each player takes all the cards in his or her main%-game %[%[library%]%], moves them to his or her subgame library, and shuffles them%. No other cards in a main%-game %[%[zone%]%] are moved to their corresponding subgame zone, except as specified in rules 715%.2a–d%. Randomly determine which player goes first%. The subgame proceeds like a normal game, following all other rules in rule 103, "%[%[Starting the Game%]%]%." %*%*%*'''715%.2a''' As a subgame of a %[%[Planechase %(variant%)|Planechase%]%] game starts, each player moves his or her planar deck from the main%-game %[%[command zone%]%] to the subgame command zone and shuffles it%. %(Face%-up plane and phenomenon cards remain in the main%-game command zone%.%) %*%*%*'''715%.2b''' As a subgame of a %[%[Vanguard%]%] game starts, each player moves his or her vanguard card from the main%-game command zone to the subgame command zone%. %*%*%*'''715%.2c''' As a subgame of a %[%[Commander %(format%)|Commander%]%] game starts, each player moves his or her commander from the main%-game command zone %(if it’s there%) to the subgame command zone%. %*%*%*'''715%.2d''' As a subgame of an %[%[Archenemy%]%] game starts, the archenemy moves his or her scheme deck from the main%-game command zone to the subgame command zone and shuffles it%. %(Face%-up scheme cards remain in the main%-game command zone%.%) %*%*'''715%.3%.''' Because each player draws seven cards when a game begins, any player with fewer than seven cards in his or her deck will lose the subgame when state%-based actions are checked during the upkeep step of the first turn, regardless of any mulligans that player takes%. %(See rule 704, "%[%[State%-Based Action%]%]s%."%) %*%*'''715%.4%.''' All objects in the main game and all cards outside the main game are considered outside the subgame %(except those specifically brought into the subgame%)%. All players not currently in the subgame are considered outside the subgame%. %*%*%*'''715%.4a''' Some effects can bring cards into a game from outside of it%. If a card is brought into a subgame from a main game, abilities in the main game that trigger on objects leaving a main%-game zone will trigger, but they won’t be put onto the stack until the main game resumes%. %*%*'''715%.5%.''' At the end of a subgame, each player takes all cards he or she owns that are in the subgame other than those in the subgame command zone, puts them into his or her main%-game library, then shuffles them%. This includes cards in the subgame’s %[%[exile%]%] zone%. Except as specified in rules 715%.5a–c, all other objects in the subgame cease to exist, as do the zones created for the subgame%. The main game continues from the point at which it was discontinued: First, the spell or ability that created the subgame finishes resolving, even if it was created by a spell card that’s no longer on the stack%. Then, if any main%-game abilities triggered while the subgame was in progress due to cards being removed from the main game, those abilities are put onto the stack%.%[%[:Template:CR Example%]%] %*%*%*'''715%.5a''' At the end of a subgame of a Planechase game, the face%-up plane card or phenomenon card is turned face down and put on the bottom of its owner’s planar deck%. Then each player moves his or her planar deck from the subgame command zone to the main%-game command zone and shuffles it%. %*%*%*'''715%.5b''' At the end of a subgame of a Vanguard game, each player moves his or her vanguard card from the subgame command zone to the main%-game command zone%. This is an exception to rule 311%.2%. %*%*%*'''715%.5c''' At the end of a subgame of a Commander game, each player moves his or her commander from the subgame command zone %(if it’s there%) to the main%-game command zone%. %*%*%*'''715%.5d''' At the end of a subgame of an Archenemy game, any face%-up scheme cards in the subgame command zone are turned face down and put on the bottom of their owner’s scheme deck%. Then the archenemy moves his or her scheme deck from the subgame command zone to the maingame command zone and shuffles it%. %*%*'''715%.6%.''' A subgame can be created within a subgame%. The existing subgame becomes the main game in relation to the new subgame%. .