Shapeshifters are a race of beings capable of assuming the shape and forms of other beings for specific purposes or involuntarily. They can be found in all colors of mana, but predominately in blue mana.
Dominarian Shapeshifters
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Vesuvan Shapeshifters
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Kamigawan Shapeshifters
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Lorwyn-Shadowmoor Shapeshifters
Lorwyn's Changelings
These harmless creatures of Lorwyn involuntarily assume the shapes of the creatures around them to their pleasure or annoyance. It is believed they reproduce in the secret cave of Velis Vel.
Shadowmoor's Mimics
In Shadowmoor however, the mimics are aggressive and vicious who attacks in packs while repeating mannerisms and forms similar to their victims.
Shadowmoor's Pucas
Pucas are horse-headed shapeshifters.
Mirrodin's Shapeshifters
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Ravnican Shapeshifters
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