Raven Man

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The Raven Man is a mysterious figure, who claimed to be a supporter of the father of Liliana Vess. He is able to transform into a flock of ravens. [1] [2] Because he appeared on several planes, Liliana suspects he is a planeswalker. [3] The Raven Man always knew where Liliana had been and what she had been doing there. Liliana suspects that he may, in fact, be incorporeal, an affliction of her own mind, a curse or a mental parasite.[4]


When Liliana's brother Josu was poisoned by her father's enemies, the Raven Man offered his assistance, though he warned that her family would not want her to use his cure. Liliana returned to the castle and despite the warnings of Lady Ana, she used the cure. Truly, it cured Josu of his affliction, but only at the cost of driving him insane and poisoning him anew.

The Raven Man also seemingly orchestrated Liliana's discovery of the Chain Veil on Shandalar. [5]

When Jace Beleren, under the influence of the Cryptoliths on Innistrad, tried to mentally assault Liliana in her mansion, the Raven Man protected her and tried to convince her to kill him. [6] Later, he repeatedly tried to contact Liliana to convince her to flee from Emrakul's onslaught. [7] In both cases, she defied him and refused to listen to his arguments, suspecting that nothing good would come from acting on his advice.

Despite this, he later reappeared to her on Amonkhet, revealing that he had been keeping tabs on her and even saved her life again by taking control over the Chain Veil. While he tolerated her affiliation with the Gatewatch to gain useful servants, he warned her to not become too attached to them and focus on what really mattered.[4]
