Reject Rare Draft

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Reject Rare Draft is a casual limited Magic: The Gathering format where each player donates 45 rare cards from their collections. [1]

Originally created in New York, this wacky format offers players a great opportunity to play with rare cards they may have never considered playing with before. The 45 donated cards are shuffled together and dealt out as 15-card booster packs. From there, it's just like any other Booster Draft. Normal Limited rules apply; players must use 40 card decks and may include any number of Plains, Islands, Swamps, Mountains and Forests to their decks.

Reject Rare drafting is a great opportunity to try out cards that have never or rarely seen play in most Constructed formats. It also puts a crazy spin on Limited, which is generally dominated by the likes of commons and uncommons. In the world of Reject Rares, almost anything goes and players rarely know what's going to happen next!

When the draft is over, each player will end up with 45 oddball rare cards, which is exactly what he or she put in. The specific cards will be different, but the fact that the format acts like a rare card swap meet is part of its appeal! (Of course, if the players in your group would prefer to track which cards they donated so they can get the same ones back at the end, you can certainly do so.)


  1. Wizards of the Coast (not dated). "Casual Formats". Wizards of the Coast.