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Phyrexia is an artificial plane of entirely mechanical "life" created by an ancient planeswalker. Little is known of this planewalker, aside from the fact that he enjoyed assuming the form of a dragon. This world was not so different from Mirrodin until Yawgmoth arrived. Yawgmoth, and the remnants and descendants of the phthisis-inflicted Thran whom he "saved", lived on this plane.

Structure of Phyrexia

The plane consisted of nine nested spheres, each with its own purpose and, often, mechanical ecosystem.

First Sphere

First Sphere of Phyrexia is a mechanical parody of life. It's covered by artificial jungle bedewed by oily rain. Streams of oil also run through the first sphere's landscape. It's home to a few forms of dragon engines and many others mechanical animals simulating true life. Rusting artifact debris lay around long plains filled with metallic dust and soot. Huge furnaces spew ash into the air. Newts are brought to this Sphere, likely to select those worthy for completion.

Second Sphere

Scraps and ruins from the first sphere are contained in the Second Sphere. Metal beams, pipes, and other structures make up the roof. Smokestacks from lower levels also appear in this level of Phyrexia. These are all that offer any source of light. Gargantuan ammunitions dumps as large as entire communities are located here.

Third Sphere

Third Sphere is filled with metal pipes creating space distortions that prevents planeswalking to lower spheres. Horrors of Phyrexia stalk this place.

Fourth Sphere

Fourth Sphere is where the primary Phyrexian population exists. Here are more smokestacks, as well as the vat facillities where newts are grown and compleated. Vat priests work here, monitoring the Phyrexian newborn and performing the operations of transforming them into Phyrexian machines and warriors. Phyrexian warriors are trained in this place, as well.

Phyrexian portals, reinvented versions of old Thran portals, Were built here and opened to new planes that would be conquered for Yawgmoth. They were opened only through sacrificing artifacts or the use of a great amount of energy.

Fifth Sphere

Fifth Sphere is the ocean of glistening oil used by Vat Priests of Fourth to breed newts, called the Boiling Sea. A massive steam creature also lives here.

Sixth Sphere

The Phyrexian Inner Circle is housed here. Essentially a realm for the Phyrexian governmental body, here are the most prestigious of Yawgmoth's servants, such as Phyrexian Demons, the Praetors, and other officials.

Seventh Sphere

The Seventh Sphere of Phyrexia is an eternal furnace of flames used to both power the plane and punish those who have failed Yawgmoth. Gix is the only Phyrexian known to survive the Seventh Sphere. It is a hellish place known as the 'Punishment Sphere'. Prisoners, artificers, and failures of any sort are brought here for torture. Phyrexian Gremlins live on this Sphere.

Eight Sphere

The Eighth Sphere is a place of pure energy.

Ninth Sphere

The Ninth Sphere is the control center for all of Phyrexia. Up until the Invasion, it was where Yawgmoth resided in plotting his eventual takeover of Dominaria. Yawgmoth also stayed here, dormant within his sanctum for some time, while his minions acted in his will and saw to it that his plans were executed.

Phyrexian People

The first stage of any Phyrexian's life is that of the Newt. These creatures are grown in vats of Glistening Oil, and appear as androgynous, hairless humans. They are grown to adulthood then prepared and released for life in the dark plane.

Newts are later put through a process called Compleation. At this point, they are transformed to serve any of a number of purposes for Phyrexia.

Here are the different varieties of Phyrexians:

  • Sleeper Agents - Sleeper Agents are fully grown and sometimes genetically modified newts who have not been Compleated, appearing as regular human beings, sent to spy on other planes and perform clandestine operations outside of Phyrexia. Some are completely unaware of their status and task, simply dropped off on other planes secretly being used as hidden cameras.

  • Cults - Yawgmoth and the Phyrexians have active cults around the planes, mainly in Dominaria, who worshipped machines and the power of artifice. The Cult of Gix was one such example, which existed for the later duration of The Brother's War. Those who participated in the cult would augment themselves with metal, embedding it in their skin in all sorts of ways, as a sign of their willingness to become machine from flesh. Gix, a Phyrexian Demon, orchestrated the Cult from it's center and even gave Phyrexian technology and instruction to his worshippers. Similar cults were active on various planes and areas at different times up until the Phyrexian Invasion. The card Priest of Gix depicted a Phyrexian cultist from the time of the Brothers.

  • Minions - These are the agents and specialized creations of Yawgmoth, created as versatile instruments in his mad war against all biological life. Minions serve a number of purposes, such as assassins, spies, or shock troops. Minions include the Phyrexian Infiltrator, the Phyrexian Slayer, and the Phyrexian Broodlings.

  • Undead - Phyrexia employs the dead in it's fight against the Multiverse. Some are made to function through the adding of artificial improvements. The Phyrexian Monitor, Unworthy Dead, Phyrexian Reaper, Phyrexian Scuta, and the Phyrexian Bloodstock are examples of undead in Phyrexian ranks. Some of them are noxious and harmful to life even through a touch. It is also notable that some of the Phyrexians printed as zombies were intended to be minions, but were changed to zombies for set design reasons.

To Be Written


Invasion of Dominaria


Map of Phyrexia

Map of Phyrexia (4205 AR) Copyright © 1993-1999 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The forums in imitate the 9 spheres of Phyrexia.