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Lycanthropes or Werewolves, are evil, seemingly human creatures which can transform into bloodthirsty beasts.

Greater Werewolves

Ulgrotha was home to powerful beasts inhabiting the land of the Dark Barony. When someone survives a bite from one of these creatures, the victim becomes a werewolf loyal to the one who bit him or her. The corrupt wizard savant who gave Eron the Relentless his immortality was made into the first greater werewolf as punishment by Baron Sengir, and is now the baron’s loyal servant.

Greater werewolves are also present on Dominaria and can be found in the region of Upper Videnth. During the Ice Age, many such lycanthropes traversed the expanding ice shelves from the northern supercontinent to Terisiare.

Other lycanthropes

The Lesser Werewolf is another, less powerful, type of werewolf. Other cards depicting lycanthropes include Treacherous Werewolf from Dominaria and Dirty Wererat and Werebear, both native to Otaria.
