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'''Enchantment creatures''' are both [[enchantments]] and [[creatures]] and therefore the rules for both apply to them.
#redirect[[Enchantment creatures]]
Enchantment creatures were introduced in the ''[[Theros]]'' set, where they represent the [[gods]] themselves and their emissaries (creatures with [[bestow]]). Enchantment creatures and [[enchantment artifacts]] in the [[Theros block]] all have a unique [[card frame]] that shows the starfield of [[Nyx]]. The Nyx frame doesn't have any rules associated with it. It's just a reminder that these creatures and artifacts are also enchantments. Other enchantments in ''Theros'' use the regular card frame. <ref>[http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/feature/therosmechanics#a The Mechanics of ''Theros'']</ref>
[[Category:Card types]][[Category:Creature types| ]]

Revision as of 09:38, 10 September 2013